King of the Avenue

King of the Avenue (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The 2010 film “King of the Avenue” is a drama-fantasy about a young drug dealer who strikes a devilish deal to become the top seller on the block. The movie, directed and written by Ryan Combs, stars Ving Rhames as Norman or De’Sha, Simon Rex as Taz, and Esai Morales as Natas. This article offers a simple overview of the film’s shooting locations, the roles of the actors, and some intriguing behind-the-scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

The film was shot entirely in the beautiful locale of Puerto Rico. Specific filming date details are not provided, but it released in the United States on September 17, 2010. Puerto Rico’s striking landscapes and vibrant culture provided the perfect backdrop for this gripping drama-fantasy film.MV5BMTcyMjkzMzE1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjg1NzkwMzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ving Rhames Norman / De’Sha
Simon Rex Taz
Esai Morales Natas
Erick Nathan Cal
Eddie B. Smith Scooter Pie
Elizabeth Di Prinzio Amanda
Diego Alvarez Lil Norman
Javi Zoribel Fonalledas Tia
Hemky Madera Hector
Anthony Dilio Eddie
César Farrait Dunnie / Dunnie Jr.
Jason Gillyard Homicide
Isaac Santiago Detective #2
Gillie the Kid Unknown (uncredited)
Joey Rullo Detective #1 (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The main characters Norman/De’Sha, Taz, and Natas were played by Ving Rhames, Simon Rex, and Esai Morales respectively.
  • Ryan Combs not only directed the movie but also penned its captivating plot.
  • Despite being told to simply meet at a cemetery as part of his devilish agreement, the character Taz oddly arrives prepared with a device to slide a marble top off a plot. This wasn’t part of the initial instructions, leading to a bit of a goof in the movie.
  • The movie’s plot revolves around the character Taz, who in his pursuit of money and power, ends up making a pact with the devil. This results in an intense and thrilling narrative.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Puerto Rico
    • Latitude: 18.220833
    • Longitude: -66.590149
    • Place ID: ChIJ-aeSGyaWAowRGpsEGCjsNvM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Puerto Rico
    • Timezone: America/Puerto_Rico