Joan of Arc (1999) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Joan of Arc (1999) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Joan of Arc” in 1999 was a historical adventure capturing the life of a young girl named Joan who had a vision to liberate France from oppressors. This information will introduce you to where the film was created along with which actors played what roles. You also get to discover unique and surprising elements about the film and events that happened behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was captured in different locations in both the Czech Republic and France. Filming took place in Bruntal, Razova and Cheb, all found in the Czech Republic. The crew also moved to Sées in Orne, France and also at the Château de Beynac in Dordogne, France. The filming duration was from June 15, 1998, until the end of December 1998.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Rab Affleck Comrade
Edwin Apps Bishop
David Bailie English Judge
David Barber English Judge
Christian Barbier Captain
Timothy Bateson English Judge
David Begg Nobleman – Rouen’s Castle
Christian Bergner Captain
Andrew Birkin Talbot
Dominic Borrelli English Judge
John Boswall Old Priest
Matthew Bowyer The Bludgeoned French Soldier
Paul Brooke Domremy’s Priest
Bruce Byron Joan’s Father
Vincent Cassel Gilles de Rais
Charles Cork Vaucouleurs’ Priest
Tony D’Amario Compiegne’s Mayor
Daniel Daujon Church’s Peer – Coronation
Tonio Descanvelle Xaintrailles
Philippe du Janerand Dijon
Faye Dunaway Yolande of Aragon
Barbara Elbourn The Aunt
Christian Erickson La Tremoille
Tara Flanagan Woman – Rouen’s Castle
Bruno Flender Poitiers’ Inquisitor
Serge Fournier Church’s Peer – Coronation
David Gant The Duke of Bedford
Jessica Goldman Duchess of Bedford’s Lady’s Companion
Framboise Gommendy Joan’s Mother
Robert Goodman Blackbeard
Joanne Greenwood Catherine
Pascal Greggory The Duke of Alençon
Bernard Grenet Senlis’ Bishop
Valerie Griffiths The Hag
Timothee Grimblat Conscience – Child
Richard Guille English Guard – Rouen’s Castle
Thierry Guilmard Assessor
Jerome Hankins Nobleman – Rouen’s Castle
Desmond Harrington Aulon
Jacques Herlin Orleans’ Priest
Len Hibberd Comrade
Dustin Hoffman The Conscience
Didier Hoarau Assessor
Vera Jakob Woman at the Cemetery
Michael Jenn The Duke of Burgundy
Toby Jones English Judge
Milla Jovovich Joan of Arc
Richard Leaf Conscience – Young Man
Joseph Malerba Beaurevoir’s Guard
John Malkovich Charles VII
Dominique Marcas Poitiers’ Inquisitor
Eric Mariotto Young Monk
Carl McCrystal Glasdale
Gina McKee The Duchess of Bedford
Phil McKee Redbeard
Simon Meacock The Teeth Soldier
John Merrick Regnault de Chartres
Joseph O’Conor Poitiers’ Chief Inquisitor
Quentin Ogier Louis
Kevin O’Neill Scribe at Process
Brian Pettifer The Executioner / Torturer at Process
Philip Philmar English Judge
Enee Piat Monk at Coronation
Irving Pomepui Louis XI – 5 Years Old
Brian Poyser English Judge
Olivier Rabourdin Richemont
Vincent Regan Buck
Joseph Rezwin Poitiers’ Inquisitor
Ralph Riach English Judge
Mark Richards Corridor’s Guard in Rouen
Richard Ridings La Hire
Malcolm Rogers Bishop
Julie-Anne Roth Young Girl in Bath
Eric Tonetto Captain
Vincent Tulli Orleans’ Physician
Jane Valentine Joan 8 Years Old
Jemima West Girl
Tat Whalley Raymond
Peter Whitfield English Judge
Timothy West Cauchon
Matthew Géczy (uncredited) (voice)
Romain Protat Crown Monk (uncredited)
Andrew Tomarin Loop (uncredited) (voice)

Trivia and Facts

  • Director of the film was Luc Besson.
  • Its screenplay was jointly written by Andrew Birkin and Luc Besson.
  • Actors in the film included Rab Affleck, Stéphane Algoud, Edwin Apps, among others.
  • Affleck assumed the role of ‘Comrade’, Algoud was cast as ‘Look Out’, and Apps played the role of ‘Bishop’.
  • The film was an adventure and biography genre and was released in Belgium on 27th October 1999.
  • Your movie garnered 5 wins and 13 nominations during its time.
  • The movie received reviews from 422 users and 115 critics.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Razova, Czech Republic
    • Latitude: 49.93130069999999
    • Longitude: 17.532002
    • Place ID: ChIJe92YjYsrEkcR7YzaENHsSKQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 792 01 Razová-Bruntál 1, Czechia
    • Timezone: Europe/Prague
  • Location Name: Sées, Orne, France
    • Latitude: 48.6063768
    • Longitude: 0.1721174
    • Place ID: ChIJe4eiINIE4kcRAAi4T0gUDAQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 61500 Sées, France
    • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Location Name: Cheb, Czech Republic
    • Latitude: 50.0795334
    • Longitude: 12.3698636
    • Place ID: ChIJ-8uUX1_2oEcRZo_bszS108A
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Cheb, Czechia
    • Timezone: Europe/Prague
  • Location Name: Château de Beynac, Beynac, Dordogne, France
    • Latitude: 44.84047349999999
    • Longitude: 1.1459611
    • Place ID: ChIJf9gUSrhZqxIR-qQR07kWAEc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Le Château de Beynac, Place du château, 24220 Beynac-et-Cazenac, France
    • Timezone: Europe/Paris