Incarcerated (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Incarcerated (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Incarcerated” came out in 2023 with the runtime lasting about 1 hour and 38 minutes. This action and crime thriller chronicles a woman’s complex revenge plan against a cruel female drug lord who precipitated her family’s downfall. Notable contributors to the movie include director Steven R. Monroe, writer Jordan Robinson, and a star-studded cast boasting Yesenia Ayala, Heather McComb, and Elizabeth Haley among others. In addition to gaining insight into the narrative and characters of the film, this piece delves into the filming locations, dates and fascinating trivia associated with “Incarcerated”.

Where it Filmed?

“Incarcerated” was primarily shot in Los Angeles, California, USA. As of current information, the precise shooting dates for the film have not been disclosed. Nevertheless, it captures the distinctive, characteristic ambience of the city with its unique cinematic lens.MV5BMWZjZWM4ODgtMDY2YS00OWZhLThjMzAtODgyNzAwYzQ5Yzc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjE0MTY2NjY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Yesenia Ayala Elena
Heather McComb Maeve
Elizabeth Haley Trudy
Rebekah Tripp Carter
Oliver Alexander Young Lucas
Gigi Bermingham Angela
Diana Coconubo Emelia
Jacqueline Cryan Hazel
Don Harvey Hartford
Paul Johansson Pike
Juliette Kendall Gigi
India King Sadie
Barry Livingston Judge McDoyle
Anna Sophia Moad Alicia
Rob Nagle Stigall
Danny Pardo Condor Cruz
Mattea Quin Young Elena
Stephanie Maura Sanchez Juanita
Jasmine Shanise Simone
Jason Wiles Fletcher
Nicole Marie Stewart Inmate (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Apart from Yesenia Ayala, Heather McComb, and Elizabeth Haley who took primary roles, the cast also included performers like Rebekah Tripp and Oliver Alexander.
  • The director Steven R. Monroe also had a role in producing the movie.
  • With a duration of 98 minutes, “Incarcerated” is categorized in the genres of action, crime, and thriller.
  • The cinematography of the film was handled by Lars Lindstrom, and the editing was done by Wendy Elford-Argent.
  • The music for the movie was composed by Contorted Minds.
  • Most of the filming took place in Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • Behind the scenes, Kami Norton served as the line producer, and Stan Spry along with Eric Scott Woods contributed as producers.
  • The art direction was managed by Dylan Werth, while Chloe Rose Bradburn was in charge of production design.
  • In addition to the exciting narrative, the movie’s success also owes to its wide-ranging team that took care of various departments, from makeup and costume to sound and visual effects.