Hunter’s Creed (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Hunter’s Creed (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Hunter’s Creed is a dramatic and mysterious film that premiered on October 6, 2020 in the USA. This movie, directed by Justin Jackola and starring Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman, Mickey O’Sullivan, and Jennifer Jelsema, focuses on a recent widower who embarks on a journey with his old church friends to shoot a hunting show, only to encounter a supernatural force that tests his beliefs. This piece brings you closer to understanding where the film was shot and offers some behind-the-scenes information.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Hunter’s Creed took place in the USA. Unfortunately, the exact dates of this filming are not provided. Nonetheless, the entire shooting process took place in various locations within the United States, fully capturing the essence and atmosphere that the director envisioned for this gripping drama.MV5BNzk2YjFlMWItOTNhMy00NTA4LThiMjctZGI2NzEzYmQ5ODUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMzMDU5ODM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman Self
Mickey O’Sullivan Russell
Jennifer Jelsema Doctor
John Victor Allen Sean
Ann Sonneville Kate
Wesley Truman Daniel Dave
LaDios Muhammad Sherry
James Errico Paul

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was originally titled “Hunting God”.
  • The cinematic run-time is approximately 83 minutes.
  • It was produced by multiple individuals including Justin Jackola and Ken Miyamoto.
  • Not only is Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman a star actor, but he also plays himself in the movie.
  • The main character’s struggle with his faith forms the central theme of Hunter’s Creed, as it is challenged by a dark presence he encounters in the woods during a hunting expedition.
  • The movie uniquely blends elements of drama, mystery and thriller genres.