Hunter (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Hunter (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This piece is based on the 2018 movie titled ‘Hunter’, a thriller lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. It gives a brief overview about the stars of the movie, such as Kiley B. Moore, Rachel Cerda, and Ryan Heindl, and the places where the film was shot. It also includes curious facts and knowledge related to the movie production.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of the ‘Hunter’ movie took place in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Unfortunately, the exact dates of filming are not available at this time. The cold, winter streets of Chicago form a major part of the film’s setting, playing a significant role in the overall storyline.MV5BYmFhNDcwZDUtODI1OS00MGE4LTk4MGMtOGE1NWQyNTQ5YjQ3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU4ODQ2MDk@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Rachel Cerda Danni
Ryan Heindl Luke
Ann Joseph Doris
Ryan Kitley K-Ron
Susan Monts-Bologna Gilda
Nick Searcy Volakas
Andrew Gebhart Officer Alden
Leigh Foster Paul
Shannon Brown Goth Guy
Bill Bannon Sergeant Datsbeg
Adria Dawn Crazy Sybil
Beau Forbes Peter
Paul Kellerman Property Manager
Joseph Anthony Foronda Flower Store Manager
Xavier Lamont Bodyguard #1
Devlin Marcotte Burly Vamp
Shon McGregory Homeless Man
Matt Paul Showtime / fighter#3
Renee Sebby Mother
Riley Sebby Daughter
Lynda Shadrake Hunter’s Mom
Claudine Tambuatco Cop
Darren Stephens FIght Announcer
Jay Washington Bodyguard #2
Leah Uteg Elsie
John B. Boss Cop 2
David Tarleton Lugat


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie won three awards and was nominated for one more.
  • Directed by David Tarleton and written by Jason Keller, this film features an ensemble cast.
  • The notable character of ‘Hunter’ was played by Jason Keller, who also served as the executive producer.
  • Key crew included Helen Grace Caldwell and Mike Krukowski as producers and Jason Madeja as the editor.
  • Daniel C. De Fore served as both location manager and art director.
  • Scott Summers was the cinematographer of the movie.
  • The music provides a key layer to the thrilling atmosphere, however the composer’s details are not available.
  • Despite multiple challenges confronted by the lead character, Hunter finds the courage to fight back against his personal demons in the story.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Latitude: 41.8781136
    • Longitude: -87.6297982
    • Place ID: ChIJ7cv00DwsDogRAMDACa2m4K8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Chicago, IL, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago