House of Bad

House of Bad (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a simple explanation about the 2013 movie ‘House of Bad’. It features key actors like Heather L. Tyler, Sadie Katz, and Cheryl Bonty, playing the lead roles. The movie is filled with many interesting behind-the-scenes facts and eerie locations where it was filmed.

Where it Filmed?

House of Bad’ was filmed entirely in Los Angeles, California, USA. However, no specific dates for the filming were provided.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Heather L. Tyler Teig
Sadie Katz Sirah
Lisamarie Costabile Danielle
Clint Jung Tommy
Julia Putnam Young Teig
Jim Falkenstein Greif
Madison Wenn Young Sirah
Orenda Velvet Wurth Unborn child

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was completed on a tight schedule, being shot in just eight days.
  • The film’s canine mascot was named Charlie.
  • A truck used in the film, named “Big Red”, belonged to the film’s producer, Scott Frazelle.