Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Horse Camp: A Love Tail (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Horse Camp: A Love Tail” is a family film made in 2020. This movie is a story set in a new riding camp season, with new friendships forming and with a subplot of a ranch hand having a crush on the head riding instructor. It stars actors like Richard Karn, Jason London, and Kristin Mellian.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in a small town in the United States known as Croswell, located in Michigan. The filming dates are not mentioned here.MV5BMTJkYjY1ODItMWM2OC00Yjk5LThkOWYtODVlZjFmNmE1YzdkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODI0NzM4OTU@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Richard Karn Jerry
Jason London Dave
Kristin Mellian Jessica Anderson
Teri Lee Bonnie Lightyear
Kristen Ryda Stacy Vanderbelt
Rachel Sowers Lisa Gold
Carl Harry Carlson Mr. C
Jo Ambrosia Kimberly
Megan Mockensturm Riley
Courtnè Alyssa Rebecca
Erika Beauchamp Miss Jodie
Sophie Bolen Miss Sam
Blythe Carvajal Blythe
Rielle Douglass Dani
Dennis Doyle Jr. Larry
Gwen Franzel Kitchen Lady
Sydney C. Hertzberg Sydney
Keilah Jude Miss Keilah
Alexandra Rose Lee Young Kimberly
Earnest Lee Kimberly’s Dad
Macey Merwin Macey
Maximiliana Meyers Zoey
Danielle Sarentino Sara
Amber Techel Miss Amber


Trivia and Facts

  • The “Horse Camp” movies, including “A Love Tail,” were filmed in a real place called Black River Farm and Ranch, which is located in Croswell, Michigan.
  • Black River Farm and Ranch is a popular horse camp for girls during the summer.
  • Several characters in the movie share their names with real-life people. Mr. C, the owner of the camp, Jerry the maintenance man, and Gwen the cook, all have their actual counterparts.