Hold (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Hold (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is an introductory discussion about the movie “Hold,” a thrilling drama released in 2009. The film was shot in Arlington, Texas, USA and directed by Frank Mosley. Some of the actors include Robby Storey, Stephanie Rhodes, and Jodie Moore. This article will highlight the filming locations, character roles, and some behind-the-scenes information about the making of this film.

Where it Filmed?

“Hold” was primarily filmed in Arlington, Texas, USA. The specific dates of filming are not available, but it is known that the drama unfolded in this quiet yet captivating location. Arlington brought a unique atmosphere and authenticity to the tense, dramatic scenes in “Hold.”MV5BNDcwMjU3ODU2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzc1ODU5MDE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robby Storey Alan Marsh
Stephanie Rhodes Laura Marsh
Jodie Moore Det. Doug Ryan
Andrew Sensenig Ron
Jeri Smith Nina
Steven Markel Gary
Arianne Martin Pawn Shop Clerk
Reece Rios Real Estate Agent
Matt Moore Crime Scene Policeman
Clint Niosi Crime Scene Photographer
Al Nelson Crime Scene Detective
John Rainone Fired Co-worker
Earl Browning III Co-worker
Tom Young Co-worker
Marc Howell Other Clerk
Bill Flynn Walt
Edgar Arreola Ricardo the Lawnman
Freddy Calzada Tony the Lawnboy
Page Mosley Receptionist
Wilbur Penn Rick Collier (voice)
Edward A. Saenz Man at Bar
Michael Magnus Man at Bar
Jacob Nothnagle Man at Bar
Aaron Holleb Man at Bar
Jonny Cruz The Man With The Green Shoes
Braiden Gonzalez Little Girl
London Gonzalez Little Girl
Nancy Owens Churchgoer
James Adams Churchgoer
Barbara Adams Churchgoer
Glen Mead Usher
Cherith Maley Waitress
Brandi Price Abby
Adam Buck Louis
Jill Deramus Woman at Refreshment Table
Tiffany Guererro Woman at Refreshment Table
Tiffany Anderson Woman Talking with Laura
Steve Simon Office Worker in Hall
Jenny Deering Office Worker (voice)
Mike Kimmel Police Station Officer (voice)
Frederick Trevino Mugshot Suspect
Annette Algoso Churchgoer
Margie Allen Churchgoer
Sarah Barker Partygoer
Pam Bradshaw Churchgoer
Sierra Broadhead Churchgoer
Tressa Broadhead Churchgoer
Carol Deramus Churchgoer
Jana Leigh Deramus Neighbor Walking Dog
Gerri Diederich Churchgoer
Elizabeth Eddlemon Churchgoer
Patty Foster Churchgoer
Holly Gonzalez Churchgoer
Shaun Hamill Waiter
Jenna Harris Partygoer
Carolyn Hodge Office Worker
Art Hooker Churchgoer
Aaron Hunter Partygoer
Bradford Hutson Churchgoer
Sam Johnson Partygoer
Melissa Kendall Churchgoer
Scott Kotlarich Partygoer
Tia Latham Churchgoer
Chelsea Lee Partygoer
Paul Leicht Partygoer
Adam Livingston Churchgoer
Timothy McSwindleton Partygoer
Kyle Mead Police Station Cop
Melody Mead Churchgoer
Rick Mosley Office Worker
Jan Nafziger Churchgoer
Sylvia Nyaoga Police Station Civilian
Asa Patrick Churchgoer
Collin Patrick Churchgoer
Heda Patrick Churchgoer
Ian Patrick Church Goer
Jessica Patrick Churchgoer
Gabe Patterson Police Station Civilian
Bobby Donald Reesess Partygoer
Daniel Salazar Partygoer
Danielle Schartz Partygoer
Gideon Seaman Partygoer
Maximillian Short Partygoer
Larry Simpson Restaurant Patron
Julia Sladden Churchgoer
Anna Smith Churchgoer
Robert Storey Sr. Churchgoer
Herney Stornandez Partygoer
Hannah Stuckeman Churchgoer
Jude Szempruch Partygoer
Laila Talley Police Station Civilian
Ellen Weaver Restaurant patron
Deborah Woodson Churchgoer
Umair Zia Partygoer


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie “Hold” actually started out as a short film. However, after completing initial production in May 2008, the filmmakers realized that the story could be expanded.
  • Frank Mosley and Robby Storey, the force behind the film, spent many intense moments in the editing room, tackling the challenge of turning a story intended for a short film into a full-length feature.
  • By the end of all the retakes and edits, what was originally a 53-minute short film had transformed into a riveting 85-minute thriller.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Arlington, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 32.735687
    • Longitude: -97.10806559999999
    • Place ID: ChIJ05gI5NJiToYRUVOgH6z2Xgs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Arlington, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago