Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Highlander II: The Quickening” that was made in 1991 is a tale about Highlander Connor MacLeod and his efforts to save Earth from destruction. Russell Mulcahy directed it, and it was written by Gregory Widen, Brian Clemens, and William N. Panzer. The main cast includes actors like Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, and Virginia Madsen.

Where it Filmed?

“Highlander II: The Quickening” was shot predominantly in Argentina. Two of the primary locations where filming took place include Buenos Aires, Federal District, and Dique de Ullúem, San Juan. The filming process stretched between March 1 and May 25 in 1990.MV5BMjE1MjgzNzY3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc3NDgwMw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Christopher Lambert MacLeod
Sean Connery Ramírez
Virginia Madsen Louise
Michael Ironside Katana
Allan Rich Neyman
John C. McGinley Blake
Rusty Schwimmer Drunk
Ed Trucco Jimmy
Jimmy Murray Horatio
Pete Antico Corda
Peter Bucossi Reno
Peter Bromilow Joe
Jeff Altman Doctor
Diana Rossi Virginia
Randall Newsome Max Guard
Karin Drexler Brenda
Max Berliner Charlie
Eduardo Sapac Holt
Michel Peyronel Kid 1
Sebastian Morgan Kid 2
Bruno Curichelli Zeist Chief Justice
Daniel Trovo Justice 2
Diego Leske Justice 3
Matt Johnson Terrorist
Julio Breshnev Voices (voice)
Jonathon Slator Supervisor
Patricia De Biaggi TV Newsperson 2
André Gere TV Newsperson 3
Jorge Ochoa Stage Manager
Jorge Varas Latin Supervisor
Alan McCormick Teenager
Miguel Fernández Alonso Roy
Roderick Cameron Security Technician
Ezequiel Eskenazi Storey Max Leader
Jacques Arndt Scientist 1
Nicolas Deane Scientist 2
Helen Buck Oriental Technician
Andres Geringer Russian Technician
Matt Johnston Cobalt Man
Héctor Malamud Psychic Chef
Pedro Loeb Katana’s Aide
Americo Gallo Grave Digger
Dana Swain Safety Spokesperson
Nicolas Frey Yuppie 1
Colón Opera House Orchestra
Claudia Fontán Louise’s Double (uncredited)
Harry K. Garvin Alarm Technician (uncredited)
Mausi Martínez Oriental Citizen (uncredited)
Russell Mulcahy Shield Control Technician (uncredited)
Mike Stone Soldier (uncredited)
Tommy Tejeda Man on Streets (uncredited)
Marcelo Turrisi Planet Zeist rebel (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

Some information about the movie that you may find interesting includes the following:

  • The movie falls under the Action and Adventure genre
  • The film was first released in Germany on January 31, 1991
  • The movie received a total of 373 reviews, with 310 from users and 63 from critics
  • Other individuals who contributed to the movie’s successful making include actors like Michael Ironside, Allan Rich, John C. McGinley, and Phillip Brock, who all had different roles in the film

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Buenos Aires, Federal District, Argentina
    • Latitude: -34.6036844
    • Longitude: -58.3815591
    • Place ID: ChIJvQz5TjvKvJURh47oiC6Bs6A
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • Timezone: America/Buenos_Aires
  • Location Name: Dique de Ull&uacutem, San Juan, Argentina
    • Latitude: -31.5351074
    • Longitude: -68.5385941
    • Place ID: ChIJl9Q8oylAgZYRs_w8I6Cj878
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Juan, San Juan Province, Argentina
    • Timezone: America/Argentina/San_Juan

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