Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath” came out in 2009. The movie revolves around a character named Ace who becomes the owner of a cursed guitar, which belonged to the legendary heavy metal godfather, Eddie Lee Stryker. The movie stars Josh Hooper as Ace, Bart Allen Burger as Frank Spades, Glen McFarland as Dave Spades, and many other actors. Discover more about the filming locations and fun trivia related to the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Unfortunately, specific filming dates were not provided. Detroit, known for its vibrant music culture, was the backdrop for this horror movie filled with rock and roll and a bloodbath.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Josh Hooper Ace Spades
Bart Allen Burger Frank Spades
Glen McFarland Dave Spades
Heather Martin Sara
Chris Demond Simon
Andrew Baillargeon Stanly
Zenas Jackson Chris
Jonathan Beasley Detective Frank Mitchell
Denny Hundiak Monster Ace
Ted Hansen Bill the Cop / Cock Boy
Walter Lee Joe the Cop
Adam Showers Morbid Melvin
Clyde Brown Mr. Coin
Jen Hansen Mavis Beacon
Pete Hansen Lil’ Mavis
Michael Selecky Balls McKinley / Cock Boy / Porn Ship Shop Customer 3
Chris Dohany Mrs. Delicious’ Driver / Porn Ship Shop Customer 2
Amy Beltz Clair
Monique Dupree Self / New Mrs. Delicious
Saint New Mrs. Delicious’ Man Servant
Dave Doran Voice of Guitar / Self
Virginia Bryant Bambi
Bonnie Zimmerman Barbi
Sharron Nelson Sugar
Bertha ‘Bunny’ Rosson Cocoa
Sarah Cole Ginger Snatch
Sherrie Hartman Sour Pussy
Andrea Zarzycki Juggsy McGee / Metal Chick
John Leonhardt Taffy
Todd Demuzzio Joey
William C. Fox Hot Carl
Ashley McCarthy Jennifer
Eric Jaan Hot Dog Eating Contest MC
Calen Gibbs Maveric the Ravisher
Curt Senn Gabriel the Saint of Hot Dog Eating
Adam Lorenz Deep Throat
Nichole McKeever Bikini Girl 1
Kristina McKeever Bikini Girl 2
Felicia Brandon Bikini Girl 3
Tiffany Apan Christina Apanovitch
Shannon Howard Guitar Shop Customer 2
Jeff ‘Star’ Saxon Guitar Shop Customer 4
Sinnderella Troma Rep.
Kevin ‘Twitch’ Trumbull Metal Head
Dennis Haddock Metal Cowboy
Andrienne McDonald Flashback Girl 1
Dani Berry Flashback Girl 2
Danielle Denski Flashback Girl 3
Krystin Edge Flashback Girl 4
Ryan Parmenter Red Reaper Bass Player
T.J. Goers Red Reaper Drummer
Lloyd Kaufman Tromaville Record Producer Lloyd
Desiree Bouchard Tromette
Erin Sparks Tromette
Faith Preston Tromette
Heather Longville Tromette
Brandis Bishop Undetermined role
Big Mike Murphy Undetermined role
Sarah Cover Undetermined role
Lawrence Dillworth Undetermined role
Antonio Mireles Undetermined role
Aaron Perry Undetermined role
Laura Perry Undetermined role
Dez Bouchard Undetermined role
Bill Cislo Undetermined role
Debbie McKeever Undetermined role
Stevie Jones Undetermined role
Julie Morse Undetermined role
Betty Strunga Undetermined role
Jeremy Troy Undetermined role
Megan Peterson Undetermined role
David Gibson Battle of the Bands Audience Member
Tami Hellerick Undetermined role
April From Hamtramck Undetermined role
Kyle Clarington Undetermined role
Daren McNay

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Trivia and Facts

  • The engaging horror feature results from the imaginative mind of Mike C. Hartman, who both wrote and directed the movie.
  • “Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath” is a horror movie and runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  • The plot involves a murder spree by Mrs. Delicious and her crew, causing terror in the city.
  • A part of the movie was also shot in Stage 3, Warren, Michigan – revealing an additional filming location apart from Detroit.
  • The movie was produced in the United States and is primarily in English.
  • The estimated budget for the film was $15,000.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Detroit, Michigan, USA
    • Latitude: 42.331427
    • Longitude: -83.0457538
    • Place ID: ChIJdR3LEAHKJIgR0sS5NU6Gdlc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Detroit, MI, USA
    • Timezone: America/Detroit