Heaven (1998) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Heaven (1998) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Heaven is a movie released in 1998. It tells the story of a divorced architect, Robert Marling, who fights for custody of his son, struggles with alcohol and gambling addictions, and works in a strip club to pay his debts. The story takes an unexpected turn when he becomes friends with a dancer who can see the future. The film has won one award.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was entirely shot in New Zealand. The exact locations of the filming included Auckland Region and the North Island. The filming is reported to have taken place between January 20 and March 1997.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Martin Donovan Robert Marling
Richard Schiff Stanner
Joanna Going Jennifer Marling
Patrick Malahide Melrose
Karl Urban Sweeper
Michael Langley Sean Marling
Jeremy Birchall Tree
Clint Sharplin Nicely
Barry Spring Wibber
Jon Brazier Billy
Dean Stewart David
Jean Hyland Mrs. Daniels
Valerie Williams Claire
Kirsty Brown Nightclub Dancer
Samantha Keen Nightclub Dancer
Darren Taylor Nightclub Dancer
Vanessa Green Nightclub Dancer
Asa Lindh Nightclub Dancer
James Cross Barman
Leonard Sipili Barman
Andrew Losefa Bouncer
Joy Watson Woman Diner
Johnny Bond Man Diner
Nicholas Hayward Timmy
Kate Walsh Restaurant Trio
Christine Cottle Restaurant Trio
Sally-Ann Brown Restaurant Trio
Ajay Vasisht Ramisha (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie has a runtime of 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • It falls under the genres of crime and thriller.
  • The director of the movie is Scott Reynolds, and it stars actors like Martin Donovan, Daniel Edwards, and Richard Schiff.
  • The movie was released in the USA on the 30 April 1999.
  • The movie got an R rating in the United States and a similar rating in several other countries.
  • The movie’s producers include Jan Haynes and Sue Rogers, with Bobby and Harvey Weinstein as executive producers.
  • Despite the dark themes, the movie has a touch of comedy.
  • The directorial team chose to film the movie in New Zealand because of its beauty and diverse landscapes, providing the perfect backdrop for the movie’s plot.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Auckland, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -36.85088270000001
    • Longitude: 174.7644881
    • Place ID: ChIJ–acWvtHDW0RF5miQ2HvAAU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Auckland, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
  • Location Name: Auckland Region, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -36.6675328
    • Longitude: 174.7733325
    • Place ID: ChIJ_cRwha_WDG0RFsRcbJNdG2E
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Auckland, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
  • Location Name: North Island, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -39.2378365
    • Longitude: 175.6023643
    • Place ID: ChIJhXgO3F4Uam0RdyMcnMutKMo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Te Ika-a-Māui / North Island, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland