Grey Skies (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Grey Skies (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie Grey Skies released in 2010 is a drama and horror-based film. The plot centers on a group of college friends who come together to recreate their past memories and suddenly encounter mysterious creatures. Directed by Kai Blackwood, written by Mark Reilly and Michael Cornacchia, and starring actors like Michael Cornacchia, Thela Brown, and Marie Del Marco.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of the movie took place in a location in the United States, specifically Clare, Michigan.
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Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael Cornacchia Michael
Thela Brown Valerie
Marie Del Marco Betty
Shelley Dennis Sandy
Anne Griffin Annie
Stacy Jorgensen Jenny
Kasia Kowalczyk Dark Shape #1
Jeff Lorch Hayden
Aaron McPherson Robert
Scott Mullin Glen
Randi-Lynn Rochefort Dark Shape #2
Jeff Schuetze Brian
Karissa Rindhage Schultz Dark Shape #3

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was release in December 2010 in the United States.
  • The duration of the film is approximately 1 hour and 23 minutes.
  • The film won a single award.
  • There were 19 user reviews and 7 critic reviews.
  • It cost an estimated $1,500,000 to produce the movie.
  • The movie was also known by different names in Japan, Hungary, and Czechia as グレイスカイ, Borongós égbolt, and Šedé nebe respectively.