Good to Go (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Good to Go (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Good to Go” is a 1986 film from the genres of music and drama that was directed and written by Blaine Novak. It showcases actors such as Art Garfunkel, Robert DoQui, and Harris Yulin in various roles. This section provides an overview of filming locations, filming dates, and other interesting information related to this movie.

Where it Filmed?

The film was entirely shot in Washington, District of Columbia, USA. The filming date kicked off on the 8th of April, 1985.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Art Garfunkel S. D. Blass
Robert DoQui Max
Harris Yulin Harrigan
Reginald Daughtry Little Beats
Richard Brooks Chemist
Paula Davis Evette
Richard Bauer Editor
Michael White Gil Colton
Hattie Winston Mother
Roderick Garr Trim
Winston Jackson Lite
Erik Dellums Bam-Bam
Terry Barnes High
Chuck Byrd Zero
Leslie Roos Evette’s Friend
Arthur Dailey Mercer
Albert Butler Big Al
Roosevelt Littlejohn Rosie
Lynda Gravatt Nurse Shades
Sid Bernstein Sidney
Gino Sullivan Brad
Annie Allman Brad’s Girlfriend
Mark Rowen Rookie Cop
Kim Brown Melons
Isabell Monks Woman with Groceries
Lauren White Reporter
Michelle Curtis Puddin
Arthur Kay Roadie #1
Byron West Roadie #2
Bill Polk Drunk #2
Ron Canada Stooper #1
Cornell Williams Molotov Thrower
Ron Downing Feldman
Bob Rafferty Detective
Grey Kooritsky Colton’s Girl
Maxx Kidd Max’s Friend
Helena Dominique Johnson Dancer
Tammy Richardson Dancer
Tanya Folley Dancer
Jumpin’ Janet Dancer
Chuck Brown Chuck Brown (uncredited)
Mass Extension Mass Extension (uncredited)
Trouble Funk Trouble Funk (uncredited)
Keith Johnson Parking Lot Attendant (uncredited)
The Soul Searchers The Soul Searchers (uncredited)
Hot Cold Sweat Hot Cold Sweat (uncredited)
Experience Unlimited Experience Unlimited (uncredited)
Tanya LaVonne WhiteKabore Buttanutt (uncredited)
Paul Wimmer TV News Crew (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The film “Good to Go” also known as “Short Fuse” was released on 01 Aug 1986 in USA.
  • The film is rated R and it is 90 minutes long.
  • The pivotal plot involves a journalist who was framed for rape and murder. He seeks to establish his innocence by tracking down the actual criminal.
  • The cast comprises many known faces like Art Garfunkel who plays S. D. Blass, Robert DoQui playing Max, and Harris Yulin as Harrigan.
  • The film was produced by Chris Blackwell, Douglas Dilge, Sean Hepburn Ferrer, Maxx Kidd and executive produced by Jeremy Thomas.
  • The music department was headed by Billy Goldenberg.
  • The team for Cinematography included Peter Sinclair and for editing included Gib Jaffe, Kimberly Logan and D.C. Stringer.
  • The entire film was captured in color, and the Language used was English.
  • As of 2022, the movie has never been released on DVD and Blu-ray. However, an out-of-print NTSC videocassette was released in the 1980s making it a valuable collector’s item.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Washington, District of Columbia, USA
    • Latitude: 38.9071923
    • Longitude: -77.0368707
    • Place ID: ChIJW-T2Wt7Gt4kRKl2I1CJFUsI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Washington, DC, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York