Gods Behaving Badly (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Gods Behaving Badly (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Gods Behaving Badly” is a movie from the year 2013, which depicts a unique story of Greek gods living in modern New York and meddling in a young couple’s life. The significant roles in the film were played by eminent actors like Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Alicia Silverstone and Sharon Stone. This article will delve into the exciting facts about the movie and its backstage incidents, including the filming locations and schedules.

Where it Filmed?

The central filming site for “Gods Behaving Badly” was at JC Studios, located in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA. Another significant location where parts of the film were shot is New York City, New York, USA. The filming schedule has been documented to span from July 16, 2011, to September 23, 2011.MV5BMTJlNDViZDItOWI4Yi00M2Y1LWE0NzQtYjI1M2Q0MjZjNWNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM2Mzg4MA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ebon Moss-Bachrach Neil
Alicia Silverstone Kate
Sharon Stone Aphrodite
Robin Weigert Vicky the Tree
Christopher Walken Zeus
Oliver Platt Apollo
Kathleen Turner Styx (creditOnly)
John Turturro Hades
Edie Falco Artemis
Rosie Perez Persephone
Aasif Mandvi Maxwell
Phylicia Rashad Demeter
Glenn Fleshler Landauer
Nelsan Ellis Dionysus
Jeff Hiller First Follower
Ajay Naidu The Producer
Henry Zebrowski Hermes
Cotter Smith Mayor of New York
Gideon Glick Eros
Steve Witting Carl
Will Swenson Aries
Eric Anderson Mayor Questioner #3
Stewart J. Zully Angry Man in Crowd
Diezel Ramos Police officer
Lauren Cohn Sheila
Andre Ozim Wedding Guest
Nick Blaemire Dana
Mark Kenneth Smaltz Mayor Questioner #1
Laryssa Lauret Trudy
Darlene Violette Heckler #1
Sharon Wheatley Sylvie
Arthur French End of Days Street Preacher
Finise Avery
Alex Kruz Minor god
Raymond McAnally Heckler #2
Evan Elise Owens Kate Look-A-Like
Marcia M Francis Town Hall Crowd Heckler
Daniel Dugan Heckler #3
Greg Paul Studio Cameraman
Nikki Ghisel
Jeremy Frutkin Wedding Guest
Patrick Husted Security Guard
Teena Byrd High Society Wedding Guest
Gil O’Brien Passerby
Sarah Babb TV Newswoman
Jenilyn Rodriguez Wedding Guest
Richard R. Corapi Blanket Huddler
Randall McNeal Usher
John Mitchell Unruly Pedestrian
Steven Vigil Crowd Heckler
Solima Arnold Town Hall Spectator
Josh Mendelow Mayor Questioner #2
Anna Rapp Panic New Yorker
Joseph Whelski Edwardian Chess Player
Jacobi Rain Blanket Crowd
Nimol Chhom Wedding Singer
Chris Vaina Blanket Crowd
Carol Commissiong NYPD Uniform Officer
Sucen Amirak Nallem Human
Marie Phillips Dead Edwardian in the Underworld
Brenna Gwyn Snowe Caroline
Michael DeeJay Millz Mason Angry Man in Crowd
Rennel Turner Police officer
Melanie Marod Wedding Singer
Ryan Dodson Looter
Ilana Rapp Panic New Yorker
Andrew Alberson
John Mavungo Wedding Guest
Frank Wolf Connell Blanket Crowd
George Belbusti Man Dodging Lightning
Natalia Roldan Town Hall Spectator
Kevin Bielinski Spectator
Jasmine Ali Little Girl
Agueda Ramirez High Society Wedding Guest
Elaine Apruzzese Scrabble Player (uncredited)
Anthony Auriemma Supporting (uncredited)
Akim Black Blanket Huddler (uncredited)
Roger Brenner Winter Crowd Gatherer (uncredited)
Ann Chow Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Michael Crowe Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Jordan Elizabeth Gelber Banquet Party Member (uncredited)
Oliana Glazman Wedding dancer (uncredited)
Rosemary Howard Distraught Woman (uncredited)
Emily Karaniewsky Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Beth Katehis Walking Dead (uncredited)
Heather M. Kayal Crowd Spectator with Lantern (uncredited)
Samantha Kelly Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Diane Kimbrell Passerby (uncredited)
Steven G. Lawrence Interested Guy (uncredited)
Eric Lommel Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Annika Merkel Scrabble Player (uncredited)
Sarah Miller Madeline Perkins – Passerby (uncredited)
Hope Anne Nathan Blanket Huddler (uncredited)
Jesse Newman Boom Operator (uncredited)
Roy Pollack Upscale Party Goer (uncredited)
Barbara Vincent TV Newswoman (uncredited)
James Wilson Wedding Guest (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie “Gods Behaving Badly” was produced in the year 2013.
  • Apart from the primary filming sites, other parts of the film were shot at different locations within New York City.
  • The leading roles in the movie were played by Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Alicia Silverstone, and Sharon Stone.
  • The filming for “Gods Behaving Badly” spanned over a couple of months, from July 16, 2011, to September 23, 2011.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: JC Studios, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.6183299
    • Longitude: -73.9611561
    • Place ID: ChIJ73TtysBEwokRyTAS6V0PCR0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1268 E 14th St, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York