Frontier (2001) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Frontier (2001) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Frontier is a comedy movie that was released in the year 2001. The film was directed by David Zellner and stars Wiley Wiggins, David Zellner, and Nathan Zellner. This article will provide more details about the filming locations, the characters in the movie and other interesting information about the film.

Where it Filmed?

In 2000, the filming of the movie took place mainly in two locations in the United States; Brazos County, Texas and Texas.MV5BZjJhNWViMjQtYTYyOS00YzhkLWFiYjQtNGRlOGIwMTA1ZmJlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Wiley Wiggins Soldier
David Zellner Officer
Nathan Zellner Loner
Stephanie Wilson Soldier’s WIfe

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie Frontier was out for the public on 2001.
  • The total runtime of the film is 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • It was featured as a comedy movie.
  • The film was directed by David Zellner.
  • The lead roles were played by Wiley Wiggins as a Soldier, David Zellner as an Officer and Nathan Zellner as a Loner.
  • Wiley Wiggins and Nathan Zellner were also part of the production team.
  • The movie was distributed by Film Threat DVD (2003) in the United States.
  • The storyline was based on Bulbovian people’s rituals of frontier building, national conquest, and other distinct activities, as seen through the perspective of the dimmest explorers of Bulbova, portrayed by David Zellner and Wiley Wiggins.
  • The movie included surrealism, low-budget-film, language, and gibberish as part of its plot keywords.
  • The director created a new language called “Bulbovian” for this movie.
  • All movie credits were presented in the invented language, Bulbovian.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Brazos County, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 30.6504141
    • Longitude: -96.3226072
    • Place ID: ChIJMRMDr4-PRoYRaxzx1RBnWGA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Brazos County, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago