Forced March (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Forced March (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Forced March” which premiered in 1989, is centered around an actor, Ben Kline, who takes on the role of a Holocaust hero, venturing deep into history and the reality of war victims. This adventurous movie was directed by Rick King featuring main actors like Chris Sarandon, Renée Soutendijk, and Josef Sommer.

Where it Filmed?

“Forced March” was filmed across two distinct locations, the vibrant city of Budapest in Hungary and also in Los Angeles, California, USA. The filming was done within the span of two months, starting from September 12, 1988, up until November 1988.MV5BMTgyNjA5NjYwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTk4MDM1OA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Chris Sarandon Ben Kline / Radnóti Miklós
Renée Soutendijk Mira
Josef Sommer Richard Kline
John Seitz Walter Hardy
Bill Raymond György
Paul Jerricho Ortotay Gyula
Michael Higgins Bereg András
Hans Jakob Lorsi Miklós
Larry Golden Marányi ede
László Rajk Szall Antal
Can Togay Zoltán
Zoltán Vereczkey Sík Sándor
Zsuzsa Bánki Fanni (today)
Alan Goodson Sanyi
András Ambrus
Zoltán Berzsenyi
Sándor Boros
Gary Dworkin
Ferenc Dávid Kiss
András Dér
Gábor Ferenczy (as Gabor Ferenczy)
Susan Frailey
György Fábri
Csaba Kelemen
Kenneth Kimmins
György Korcsmáros 1st Prisoner
Ferenc Kozári
Antal Leisen
István Pataki
Gábor Piroch
Kati Rácz
Zoltán Rátóti
László Soós (as Sós László)
András Surányi
István Szabó
Béla Unger
János Vészi
George Zelma
Rosalind Cash (uncredited)
Viveca Lindfors (uncredited)
John Snyder Unknown (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • “Forced March” is a drama and history film that runs for 1 hour and 44 minutes.
  • The movie features Chris Sarandon as Ben Kline, tasked with the role of a hero who passed away in the Holocaust.
  • The movie was shot in Budapest, Hungary, and Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • The filming took place from September 12 to November, 1988.
  • This movie was directed by Rick King and its screenplay was the combined effort of Dick Atkins and Karl Bardosh.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Budapest, Hungary
    • Latitude: 47.497912
    • Longitude: 19.040235
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Budapest, Hungary
    • Timezone: Europe/Budapest