Five the Hard Way (1969) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Five the Hard Way (1969) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a simple introduction about a movie titled ‘Five the Hard Way’ that was released in 1969. The movie is an action and sport genre movie directed by Gus Trikonis with Ross Hagen, Diane McBain, and Michael Pataki starring in the lead roles. The movie’s filming locations, the actors’ performances, and interesting backstage facts make it an intriguing watch.

Where it Filmed?

Five the Hard Way’ was filmed in Perris, a charming city in California, USA. The shooting of the movie took place from September 1968 to October 1968 providing a great backdrop to the thrilling storyline of the film.MV5BYzdmODAyMWQtNGQyNC00YTJjLTgwZTQtZTY3ZTdjM2FjOWU1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU1MjgyNDk@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ross Hagen Rommel
Diane McBain Rita
Richard Merrifield Luke
Claire Polan Paisley
Edward Parrish Nero
Michael Graham Cooch
Hoke Howell Crapout
Eric Lidberg Tork
Erik Cord Dirty John
Toni Moss Lois
Diane Tessier Debbie
Joey Tessier Billy
Warren Hammack Mechanic (uncredited)
Goldie Hawn Spectator (uncredited)
Tony Lorea Announcer (uncredited)
Ivy Ross Mechanic (uncredited)
Ray Tudor (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The full run-time of ‘Five the Hard Way’ is 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • The movie was officially released in Sweden on July 11, 1970.
  • Ross Hagen played the role of Rommel, the protagonist in the movie.
  • Diane McBain portrayed the role of Rita, the love interest of Rommel in the film.
  • Michael Pataki gave a great performance as J.C., the main villain of the movie.
  • The movie also features an uncredited cameo by Goldie Hawn, who appears as a spectator at the end of the race in the movie’s initial scene.
  • Further, ‘Five the Hard Way’ was also known by other names in different places. For instance, in the United States, it was also known as ‘The Sidehackers,’ in Spain as ‘Las águilas del asfalto,’ and in Soviet Union, it was titled ‘Во имя мести.’

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Perris, California, USA
    • Latitude: 33.7825194
    • Longitude: -117.2286478
    • Place ID: ChIJ_wHMqtKh3IARKJ-8zFt98zo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Perris, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles