First Winter (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

First Winter (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

First Winter is a drama movie from 2012. It was directed and written by Benjamin Dickinson and it tells a story about a group of people in Brooklyn who get stranded in a farmhouse during a record-breaking winter. The main cast includes Samantha Jacober, Jennifer Kim, and Lindsay Burdge.

Where it Filmed?

This movie was filmed in New York, in the U.S.A. Unfortunately, the filming dates are not available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Samantha Jacober Sam
Jennifer Kim Jen
Lindsay Burdge Marie
Haruka Hashimoto Haruka
Monika Heidemann Monika
Fonlin Nyeu Fonlin
Luke Simon Luke
Jeff Thrope Jeff
Matthew Chastain Matt
Benjamin Dickinson Thomas
Bill Dunn Radio Announcer
Paul Green Radio DJ
Paul Manza Paul
Kate Lyn Sheil Kate
Jaffe Zinn Jaffe

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was nominated for two awards.
  • More than just a movie, it was a challenging project for the cast and crew due to the extreme winter conditions.
  • The film was produced by a team that included Lindsay Burdge and Benjamin Dickinson among others.
  • The film was shot in color and its runtime is 88 minutes.
  • It was a compact ensemble cast with performers like Samantha Jacober, Jennifer Kim, and Lindsay Burdge playing key roles.
  • Benjamin Dickinson not only directed the film but also took on the role of a producer and writer, showcasing his multifaceted cinema skills.

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