Fight for Your Life (1977) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fight for Your Life (1977) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Fight for Your Life” came out in 1977. This is an intriguing movie about where it was shot, who played what roles and other fascinating details about it. It presents a story about three convicts who escape from jail and cause havoc at a black minister’s house.

Where it Filmed?

This film was shot in various locations across New York. The main filming locations were Chatham, Ghent, Hudson and New York City. Unfortunately, the exact dates of the filming are not known.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robert Judd Ted Turner
Catherine Peppers Mrs. Turner
Lela Small Grandma Turner
Yvonne Ross Corrie Turner
Ramon Saunders Val Turner
Queenie Endelson Dog
William Sanderson Jessie Lee Kane
Daniel Faraldo Chino Rodriguez
Peter Yoshida Ling Chow
Bonnie Martin Karen
David Cargill Lt. Reilly
Richard A. Rubin Captain Hamilton
David Dewlow Joey
Robert Whelan Liquor Store Owner
Lenny Chance Drunk Driver
Peter Charbonneau Gas Station Victim
Stephen Griffith Reporter
Maxine McCrey Prostitute
David Francis Pimp
Billy Longo Police Van Driver
William Spitz Store Robber
Jane Endelson Baby in Liquor Store
Claudia Angelos Police Radio Voice (voice)
Steve Hasday Sgt. Hasday
Cliff Balder Policeman
David Balder Policeman
Joe Battaglia Policeman
John Doyce
Ronald Gauthier
Daniel Herrick
Timothy Jones
Olivia Solomon
Jeffery Seymour
Mary Jane Walsh
James Bertram
Paul Morris
James Blass
Franklyn Schaefer
Rick Endelson
Steven Rosenbloom
Thomas Heald
William Vick
John Laccetti
Larry Walker
Jack Massar
Bob McKinnon
Gary Mazzacano
Mitchell Rothman
Dick Punch

Trivia and Facts

  • The film had a unique and unprecedented marketing method. There were two versions of the theatrical trailer created, one for white audiences and another for black audiences which used a different title, “Stayin’ Alive”.
  • In a scene with the Turner family’s pet dog on the couch, you can see a wire and an off-screen hand moving. The wire is attached to the dog’s tail to make it wag, suggesting friendliness.
  • There was a teaser trailer that consisted of a nearly 30-second clip. It had no music or sound and showed a still-photo from the movie, along with the title and MPAA rating.
  • The film is featured in the documentary “American Grindhouse” that came out in 2010.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hudson, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 42.2528649
    • Longitude: -73.790959
    • Place ID: ChIJbU_L8ymU3YkRzaqMXJfLnmQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hudson, NY 12534, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York