Fast Gun

Fast Gun (1988) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The “Fast Gun” movie was filmed in 1988. The plot, set around the narrative of a small town sheriff, Jack Steiger, trying to stop CIA Colonel Harper’s men who are robbing military armories. The film was directed by Cirio H. Santiago and starred actors such as Rick Hill, Kaz Garas, and Robert Dryer among others. It’s an interesting blend of action and crime that provides a thrilling storyline and an insightful look into the filmmaking process.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of the movie took place in different parts of the Philippines. Locations that hosted the movie’s shoot included general regions in the Philippines, the Caliraya Lake Viewing Bridge in Lumban, Laguna, and the hill station city of Baguio in Benguet. The production team began filming in September 1987.MV5BMjAzODc4NTUzN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjUyMzY5. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Rick Hill Jack Steiger
Kaz Garas Harper
Robert Dryer Nelson
Brenda Bakke Julie Comstock
Morgan Strickland Cowboy Phelps
Frank Diaz Ramirez
Ken Metcalfe Rupert Jessup
Anthony East Mayor Ankers
Bill Staub Campbell
Paul Holmes CIA Head
Jeff Griffith Senator
Joanne Griffin Mrs. Rattner
Henry Strzalkowski Colburn
David Light Popkin
Mel Davidson Agent
Bobby Greenwood Reporter
Vic Saad Deputy
Warren McLean DEA Agent
Eric Hahn DEA Agent
Romy Diaz Biker
Kenneth Peerless Biker
Greg Rocero Biker
Nick Nicholson Nelson’s Goon
Steve Rogers Nelson’s Goon
Lito Aguas Nelson’s Goon
Dieter Gruenberg Nelson’s Goon
Jim Moss Nelson’s Goon
Daniel Murphy Nelson’s Goon
Gary Touge Nelson’s Goon
Frank Juhas Nelson’s Goon
Craig Judd Marijuana Runner
Tony Cooper Marijuana Runner
James Brewer Marijuana Runner
Philip Gordon Marijuana Runner
Mike Soquez Marijuana Runner
Elmar Schwery Marijuana Runner
James O’Neal Marijuana Runner
Mark Penicala Marijuana Runner
Andy Joseph Sheriff (uncredited)
Corwin Sperry Injured MP (uncredited)
Michael Welborn Nelson’s Goon #10 / Phone-chatting MP (uncredited)
Willie Williams MP Gate Guard (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • Fast Gun(1988) is an action crime movie that runs for approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • The plot focuses on the story of a sheriff named Jack Steiger, who tries to stop a group of men robbing military armories.
  • The film was directed by Cirio H. Santiago, with writers Frederick Bailey, Catherine Santiago, and Joe Mari Avellana contributing to the screenplay.
  • The main cast includes Rick Hill as Jack Steiger, Kaz Garas as Harper, and Robert Dryer as Nelson.
  • It was filmed at various locations in the Philippines, including the picturesque spot of Caliraya Lake Viewing Bridge in Lumban, Laguna, and the popular tourist city, Baguio City in Benguet.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Philippines
    • Latitude: 12.879721
    • Longitude: 121.774017
    • Place ID: ChIJY96HXyFTQDIRV9opeu-QR3g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Philippines
    • Timezone: Asia/Manila
  • Location Name: Caliraya Lake Viewing Bridge, Lumban, Laguna, Philippines
    • Latitude: 14.2873477
    • Longitude: 121.5047683
    • Place ID: ChIJKwiw1Ff7lzMRD1HSMUOOxYw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 7GP3+WWJ, Lumban – Caliraya – Cavinti Rd, Lumban, Laguna, Philippines
    • Timezone: Asia/Manila
  • Location Name: Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines
    • Latitude: 16.4023332
    • Longitude: 120.5960071
    • Place ID: ChIJP_HeeWihkTMRwHU6vjT13o4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Baguio, Benguet, Philippines
    • Timezone: Asia/Manila