Eye of the Eagle (1987) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Eye of the Eagle (1987) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Eye of the Eagle” is a movie from 1987, filled with action and adventure. It’s an exciting journey that looks into where the film was shot and who starred in it. Moreover, the movie brings a bunch of interesting and behind-the-scenes facts to the table.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot at the historic location of Corregidor Island, situated in Manila Bay, Philippines. However, specific filming dates are not available.MV5BMjAwNzQ5Njk1OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjc0OTA2ODE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robert Patrick Cpl. Johnny Ransom
Ed Crick Sgt. Bo Rattner
William Steis Capt. Carter
Cec Verrell Chris Chandler
Rey Malonzo Cpl. Willy Leung
Mike Monty Col. Stark
Vic Diaz Col. Trang
Henry Strzalkowski Cpl. Weasel Watkins
Willie Williams Gimme Five
Nick Nicholson Pfc. Crazy Dog
David Light Sgt. Maddox
Mel Davidson Cpl. Beller
Jim Moss Sgt. Warden
Tony Beso Lol Pot
Jerry Hart Doctor
David Anderson Special Forces Officer
Steve Rogers Sgt. Rattner’s Men (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The film was directed by Cirio H. Santiago and the story was written by Catherine Santiago, along with screenplay writers Joseph Zucchero and Nigel Hogge.
  • The movie starred Brett Baxter Clark, Robert Patrick and Ed Crick as Sgt. Rick Stratton, Cpl. Johnny Ransom, and Sgt. Bo Rattner respectively.
  • The film is a terrifying account of the “The Lost Command”, which caused havoc in South Vietnam, forcing Sgt. Zack Skinner to stop them.
  • The movie has gained reviews from 4 Users and 6 Critics.
  • The movie has a run time of 1 hour and 24 minutes.
  • Apart from the United States, the film was known by different names in various countries like the Commando rebelle in France, Battlefield Vietnam in Germany, El Ojo del Águila in Spain, To mati tou aetou in Greece, and Jungle Force in West Germany.
  • The movie was filmed in color, and the sound mix was in mono.
  • The film was featured in Rambo: First Blood Part II (2018).


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Corregidor Island, Manila Bay, Philippines
    • Latitude: 14.3851391
    • Longitude: 120.580435
    • Place ID: ChIJE8tu2xshljMRoFZ-TZdm0QM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Corregidor Island, Cavite City, Philippines
    • Timezone: Asia/Manila