Enter the Wild (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Enter the Wild (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Enter the Wild,” released in 2018, takes us on a thrilling journey in search of the world’s rarest tree, led by Dylan and his friends. They venture into harsh ravines and canyons, facing the reality of friendship and the aftermath of unrequited love. Directed by Mark Forstmann, the film features actors like Ben Geurens, Ryan Johnson, and Ella Scott Lynch.

Where it Filmed?

“Enter the Wild” was filmed in the beautiful landscapes of Australia. The precise dates of filming aren’t provided. The rugged Australian wilderness was the perfect backdrop for the storyline which involves a daunting trek and challenging experiences in natural surroundings.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ben Geurens Carl
Ryan Johnson Dylan
Ella Scott Lynch Pippa
Socratis Otto Zac
Billie Rose Prichard Toni

Trivia and Facts

  • The film is classified as an adventure and drama.
  • It has a duration of about 1 hour and 36 minutes.
  • The film was released in the USA on 1st January 2018.
  • Stephen Davis and Mark Forstmann contributed to the script.
  • Some of the underlying themes in the movie are wilderness, trek, hiking, friendship and walking in the woods.
  • The movie was also known as “Jigsaw Puzzle” and “Дикий поход” in Russia.
  • The production companies associated with “Enter the Wild” are WOWNow Entertainment which also served as the distributor.
  • The movie is certified as PG-12 in South Korea.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Australia
    • Latitude: -25.274398
    • Longitude: 133.775136
    • Place ID: ChIJ38WHZwf9KysRUhNblaFnglM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Darwin