Elite (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Elite (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Elite is a movie that was released in the year 2017. This movie that falls under the ‘Action’ genre, was directed by Mark Cantu with Jason Lee Boyson, Shawn Brooks, and Mike Dell playing the leading roles. The film shares intriguing facts and behind the scenes information about its production, characters and storyline.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Elite took place in San Antonio, Texas, USA. The movie didn’t provide any specific filming dates. The primary location provided the perfect backdrop for the intense actions scenes, serving as the stage where many of the plot’s pivotal moments occurred.MV5BNzg3YzY1OGItNzQ4OC00NzI3LWFiMjgtZGVkMmFhZjY4OWNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjcwMjYwODU@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jason Lee Boyson Guapo
Shawn Brooks Agent Leonard ‘Lenny’ Gaulke
Mike Dell Merick
Allison Gregory Agent Abbey Vaughn
Jeremy Hayden Agent Simms
Scott Ivey FBI Agent
Dan Karam Chuco
Ann Lauren Mora
James C. Leary Benedict
Alessandra Mañon Mireya
Javier Medellin Dir. Bob Womack
Jesse Pangelinan Mora
Chris Quante Pop
Brian Rickerson Tino
David Rodriguez Soldier 1
Gregg Rodriguez Thug 2
Reynaldo Rodriguez Lt. Cmdr James Aguilar
Ione Rousseau Jazz
Jon Sampey Thug 1
Jason Scarbrough Lt. Sam Harrigan
Peggy Schott Senator Warren
Claire Tablizo Amelia Vaughn

Trivia and Facts

  • Mark Cantu is both the director and one of the writers of the movie, sharing the writing credits with Jason Scarbrough.
  • Jason Lee Boyson, Shawn Brooks, and Mike Dell were the main stars of the movie.
  • The production companies associated with the film were Live Wire Films and Lost Empire Films.
  • Elite was distributed to a global audience by Lost Empire Films in 2016 and was later made available on DVD in Japan by Trans World Associates in 2019.
  • An intriguing plot was the basis of the film, featuring a Naval Investigator’s personal mission to find a notorious drug lord responsible for the death of several Special Forces soldiers.

MV5BMzEwZmQzMDktYjFiMy00MzM3LTg3N2ItOGI1ODkwY2I4NjUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: San Antonio, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 29.4251905
    • Longitude: -98.4945922
    • Place ID: ChIJrw7QBK9YXIYRvBagEDvhVgg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Antonio, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago