Eagle in a Cage

Eagle in a Cage (1972) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Eagle in a Cage” was made in 1972. We are going to talk about who played what roles in the movie, where it was filmed, and other fun things related to the movie. The movie, a drama, was directed by Fielder Cook and it was about a soldier who ended up as the Governor of St. Helena and Napoleon’s jailer.

Where it Filmed?

“Eagle in a Cage” was shot in the country of Yugoslavia. All the filming was done between Sep 15, 1969. The actors acted, and the cameras rolled in the regions of this beautiful country.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Billie Whitelaw Madame Bertrand
Ralph Richardson Sir Hudson Lowe
John Gielgud Lord Sissal
Kenneth Haigh Napoleon Bonaparte
Moses Gunn General Gourgaud
Ferdy Mayne Count Bertrand
Lee Montague Cipriani
Georgina Hale Betty Balcombe
Michael Williams Dr. O’Meara
Hugh Armstrong English soldier


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was first announced in 1967 with Albert Finney, Anouk Aimee, and Robert Ryan as stars.
  • There’s a mistake in the movie where Napoleon asks a British guard about his battles. The guard mentions Egypt, Waterloo, Corsica. In reality, The British had not fought at Corsica, by the time Napoleon was on Elba.
  • The movie is actually a remake of Eagle in a Cage(1965).
  • There’s a quote from Napoleon Bonaparte in the movie that goes: “The Pope considered me despicable, yet he crossed the Alps to anoint me. The King of Austria called me a Corsican gutter rat and gave me his daughter as a bride. Anyone can make use of a friend. The trick is to use one’s enemies.”