Dreamrider (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dreamrider (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dreamrider is a drama-biography movie released in 1993 that conveys the inspirational journey of a young man who, despite losing his leg in a motorcycle accident, becomes the first one-legged person to cycle across the U.S. The film is directed by Bill Brown and Steve Grass. The central characters are performed by Larry Archey, Stacy Bell, and Bill Brown, and the movie portrays their struggle, resilience, and eventually triumph in a very engaging manner.

Where it Filmed?

The film was shot in two primary locations in the United States: Boston, Massachusetts, and Fullerton, California. The filming was commenced on June 3, 1991, and was conducted in various iconic spots of these cities which added immense value to the overall setup and environment of the movie.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Larry Archey 2nd Officer
Stacy Bell Mary Jennings
Bill Brown Assistant Principal
Billy Brown Boy in Boston
Roger Diminico Boston Policeman
Ginger Erickson Leah
Criss Freeman Rick Mitchell
Matthew Geriak Bruce Jennings
John Gowans Ray Woods
Heather Haase Sarah Parks
James Earl Jones William Perry
Lysa Nalin Bruces Girlfriend
E.J. Peaker Mrs. Jennings
Andrea Reade Swimming Trainer
Patrick Robison Roadside Trucker
Murray Rose Father OGorman
Jack Rule Fullerton Principal
Steven Silgailis Panhandler
Gloria Steppe Mrs. Erlen
Leigh Taylor-Young Dr. Sharon Kawai
Gerald Walker Physical Therapist
Dick Warlock Drunk
Jimmy Williams 1st Officer

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Trivia and Facts

  • The character named Bruce in the film is represented by Matthew Geriak who had also lost a leg to cancer in real life.
  • In real life, Matthew Geriak had won a Bronze medal in downhill skiing in the Para-Olympics in Alberville, France. This fact was subtly reflected in the movie, adding a fascinating touch to his character.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.3600825
    • Longitude: -71.0588801
    • Place ID: ChIJGzE9DS1l44kRoOhiASS_fHg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Boston, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Fullerton, California, USA
    • Latitude: 33.8703645
    • Longitude: -117.9242123
    • Place ID: ChIJY8uBw3Qq3YARSupgHoFTnPU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Fullerton, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles