Dreadtime Stories (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dreadtime Stories (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Dreadtime Stories” is a movie that came out in 2014 that explores the horror and thriller genres. This movie, directed by Jacob Grim and starring Martha Sanchez, Terran Sanchez, and Andrea De La Garza, narrates a story of a gathering turning uncanny when a sinister book surfaces among the attendees who disclose its tales of strange beings, crazed people, and supernatural events. This article shares some fascinating details about where the film was shot as well as some facts and trivia about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in Corpus Christi, Texas, in the USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available. Corpus Christi provided the perfect backdrop for the eerie and thrilling events that are depicted in the movie.MV5BNTU0OTY0MjU5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTU2NDY2NDE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Martha Sanchez Mother (segment “Home Cooking”)
Terran Sanchez Father (segment “Home Cooking”)
Andrea De La Garza Daughter (segment “Home Cooking”)
James Darrell Malicoat The Main Ingredient (segment “Home Cooking”)
Laura Schmitt Rochelle (The Boss) (segment “Forgotten”)
Sylus Conlea The Little Boy (segment “Forgotten”)
Aileen Corpos The Assistant (segment “Forgotten”)
Valerie Perez The Receptionist (segment “Forgotten”)
Howard Voight Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”) / Dale (segment “Empty”)
Patricia Guzman Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”)
Armando Valdez Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”)
Jessica Perez Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”) / The Banshee (segment “Distension”)
Ashley Rodriguez Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”)
Kristi Mendiola Office Employee (segment “Forgotten”)
Hank Vasquez Kane (segment “Harvest Hollow”)
Buddy Smith The Historian (segment “Harvest Hollow”) / The Cowboy (segment “Useless”)
David Marin The Scarecrow (segment “Harvest Hollow”) / Val (segment “Wits End”)
Sal Hernandez The Other Guy (segment “Useless”) / Smiley the Clown (segment “Stained Affection”)
James Johnson The Victim (segment “Useless”) / Kirk (segment “Wrap Around”)
Briana Garcia Alyssa (segment “Wits End”)
Lee E. Stevens Lieutenant Barker (segment “Wits End”)
Mike Mattison Detective Clive (segment “Wits End”)
Phillip D. Yarbrough Crime Scene Photographer (segment “Wits End”)
Maurice Curran The Rookie (segment “Wits End”)
Tiffany Hinojosa Heather (segment “Stained Affection”)
Sapphire Grim Little Girl (segment “Stained Affection”)
Eric Rodrigue Alex (segment “Punishment”) / Jerry (segment “Wrap Around”)
Mason Rodrigue Lonny (segment “Punishment”)
Michael Cristian The Guard (segment “Punishment”) / The Demon (segment “Distension”)
Jason Lee Garcia The Enforcer (segment “Punishment”)
Autumn Caro Alison (segment “Empty”) / Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Ronny Holiday Charlie (segment “Empty”)
Taylor Goldman The Girl (segment “Empty”)
Brianna Elaine Emily (segment “Distension”)
Lisa McGrew Sarah (segment “Distension”)
Patty Spence Women’s Shelter Clerk (segment “Distension”)
Zandor Wamsley The Skull Face Creature (segment “Distension”) / The Zombie / Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Amanda Grim Nurse (segment “Distension”)
John Gonzalez Doctor (segment “Distension”)
Robert Paul Hyker Churchyard (segment “Wrap Around”)
Max Caruso Troy (segment “Wrap Around”)
Kasie Fierova Chloe (segment “Wrap Around”)
Ronnie Sykes Tobin (segment “Wrap Around”)
Joshua Richardson James (segment “Wrap Around”)
Gil Oteen Donald (segment “Wrap Around”)
John P. Rosales Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Krissy Martinez Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Ryan Gonzalez Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Kimberly Paul Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Jake Gonzalez Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)
Hallie Martinez Party Attendee (segment “Wrap Around”)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is rated TV-MA and runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • The production companies for the film are STX Media Studios and STX Media.
  • The film was distributed by SGL Entertainment in the United States, and Summer Hill Films distributed it worldwide.
  • The film had a budget of around $2,000, which is quite modest for a movie production.
  • In an interesting turn of events, one actor turned Born-Again Christian and asked to be removed from the film as they felt the content of the movie was “unholy”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 27.8005828
    • Longitude: -97.39638099999999
    • Place ID: ChIJs9KSYYBfaIYRj5AOiZNQ0a4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Corpus Christi, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago