Downloading Nancy (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Downloading Nancy (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie is called Downloading Nancy, which was filmed in the year 2008. The storyline is about a wife who is unhappy with her life and arranges to meet a man over the internet to end her life, but they end up falling in love. It’s a Drama-Thriller and the film features Maria Bello as Nancy Stockwell, Rufus Sewell as Albert Stockwell, and Jason Patric as Louis Farley.

Where it Filmed?

Downloading Nancy was filmed in three primary locations: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; Saskatchewan, Canada; and generally within Canada. The movie was shot from the 9th of February, 2007 till the 11th of March, 2007.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Maria Bello Nancy Stockwell
Rufus Sewell Albert Stockwell
Jason Patric Louis Farley
Amy Brenneman Carol
Michael Nyqvist Stan
Josh Strait Medic
Kimberly Elek Little Girl
Matthew Harrison Golf Video Announcer
Sunny Doench Newsreporter
Justin Scot Golf Meditation Voice (voice)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is rated Not Rated and runs for 1h 42min.
  • It was directed by Johan Renck and written by Pamela Cuming and Lee Ross.
  • It was released in Sweden on May 1, 2009.
  • The production of the movie welcomed contributions from various professionals including Julie Aaron, the executive producer, and Rhonda Baker, the line producer.
  • The movie bagged two wins and three nominations for awards.
  • It received reviews from 34 Users and 32 Critics.
  • Holly Hunter, William Hurt, Radha Mitchell, and Stellan Skarsgård were originally set to feature in this film.
  • The movie was produced on an estimated budget of $3,000,000 and made an opening weekend gross of $10,324 in the United States.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
    • Latitude: 50.4452112
    • Longitude: -104.6188944
    • Place ID: ChIJ6z2l-0AeHFMRsVR7t5YySjU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Regina, SK, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Regina
  • Location Name: Saskatchewan, Canada
    • Latitude: 52.9399159
    • Longitude: -106.4508639
    • Place ID: ChIJL3ZlI7Fx-FIRK-HCklcrNBU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Saskatchewan, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Regina

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