Donnybrook (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Donnybrook (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie, Donnybrook, shot in 2018, portrays the lives of two men readying themselves for a ruthless bare-knuckle fight with a cash prize of $100,000. Donnybrook was filmed at the location of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. It involves Michael Agee, Adam Bartley, and Jamie Bell playing key roles and offering intriguing backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of the movie Donnybrook took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The exact filming dates, however, are not specified.MV5BOWZiZWNlZjctZDc2Zi00YTFlLTljNjEtNzliODNjMzFjMjg2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk4OTc3MTY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael Agee Police Officer
Adam Bartley Dote
Jamie Bell Jarhead Earl
Chris Browning McGill
Kevin Crowley Kelsen
James Badge Dale Whalen
David Myers Gregory Purcell
Frank Grillo Chainsaw Angus
Pat Healy Eldon
James Landry Hébert Poe
Michael King Bruce
Nathan Neorr KC
Valerie Jane Parker Sarah
Jeff Potts Ed
Margaret Qualley Delia Angus
Dara Jade Tiller Tammy
Brent Vimtrup Potts
Paul Wilson Wolf Cookie Mike
Ben Aycrigg Donnybrook Fighter
Sean Casey Donnybrook Fighter
Lydia Hand Donnybrook Fighter
Charles Hicks Donnybrook Fighter
Thad Holton Donnybrook Fighter
Travis Howard Donnybrook Fighter
Jamar Jackson Donnybrook Fighter
Jorge Longoria Donnybrook Fighter
T. Ryan Mooney Donnybrook Fighter
Dalton Moss Donnybrook Fighter
Jason Myers Donnybrook Fighter
Brad Nicholas Donnybrook Fighter
Martin Paris Donnybrook Fighter
Louis Perry Donnybrook Fighter
Matthew Reidy Donnybrook Fighter
Jordan Scott Donnybrook Fighter
William Sullins Donnybrook Fighter
Jerrod West Donnybrook Fighter
Greer Faust Annie
Gina Dunlap Family in Park
Mike Dunlap Family in Park
Delaney Dunlap Family in Park
Robert Hunley Skinny Dude
Steve Ploetz Flat
Sam Portlock Beetle
Daniel Donley Truck Stop Tweaker
Sue Hopkins Grandma
Joe Hensley Buyer
Kenny McNeal Henchman
Chris Hahn Henchman
Bennito Santiago Henchman
Ravis Howard Henchman
Jordan Scott Donny Brook Fighter
Mark Angel Plain Clothes Policeman (uncredited)
Michael Lee Bailey Goggles (uncredited)
Judy McQueen Bauer Camper / Reveler (uncredited)
Anita Farmer Bergman Spectator (uncredited)
John E. Brownlee Factory Worker (uncredited)
Cliff Cash Biker (uncredited)
Alejandro Castillo Reveler (uncredited)
Mark J Clifford Reveler (uncredited)
Charley Coleman Weapons Dealer / RPG Salesman (uncredited)
Gina Crawford Diehl (uncredited)
Richard Doone Person at Ranch (uncredited)
Christine Dye Dawn (uncredited)
George W. Ellerman Backwoods Reveler (uncredited)
Kathleen Ellerman Biker Reveler (uncredited)
Shawn P. Farrell Reveler (uncredited)
John French Police Photographer (uncredited)
Robert Gerding Factory Worker (uncredited)
Jeremy Greenwell Reveler (uncredited)
Rajiim A. Gross Camper / Reveler (uncredited)
Andi Gudgeon Call Girl (uncredited)
Al Harland Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Jennifer Joplin Anthem Singer (uncredited)
Susan Kile Trailer Park Resident (uncredited)
Kenneth King Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Gregory M. Knight Biker / Reveler (uncredited)
Bret Aaron Knower Reveler (uncredited)
Josh Kraus Back Woodsmen (uncredited)
Bryan Kruse Bar Patron (uncredited)
Paul Kulis Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Michael Laurianti Policeman (uncredited)
Gary Maloney Blue Collar Worker (uncredited)
Anita S Martin Reveler / Biker (uncredited)
Rodger Masten Camper / Spectator (uncredited)
Daphne Matthews Call Girl / Reveler (uncredited)
Danny Meador Reveler / Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Jerry Mullins Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Kevin E. Murphy Reveler / Fight Spectator (uncredited)
John Newsom Crystals seller
fight spectator (uncredited)
Misty O’Bradovich Biker Chick (uncredited)
Ted Opalinski Camper / Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Cherie Orf Spectator (uncredited)
Michael D Overman Reveler (uncredited)
Tammy Payne Camper / Fighter Spectator (uncredited)
Charles Poole Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Michelle Poole Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Brian Redmon Reveler / Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Donald Ross Donnybrook Fighter (uncredited)
Jeramie Sandor Reveler / Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Steven Schraub Backwoods Reveler (uncredited)
Jimmie Lee Sessoms Fight spectator (uncredited)
Alonda Shevette Daddy Girl / Sex Worker (uncredited)
Max Soliz Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Chris Storck Reveler (uncredited)
Hickory Taylor Reveller / Camper (uncredited)
Andrew Van Camp Reveler / Fighter (uncredited)
Cody Vanetti Reveler (uncredited)
Jim Waldfogle Fight Spectator (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • Donnie Darko is another film discussed here, shot in 2001.
  • This movie was totally filmed around Los Angeles, contrary to the setting stated as Middlesex, Virginia.
  • The house of Donnie Darko in the movie is located at 4225 Country Club Drive, Long Beach, Los Angeles.
  • Donnie Darko’s school in the movie is actually Loyola High School along Venice Boulevard, positioned just east of Normandie Avenue, midtown.
  • A strange appearance by a character named Frank the Rabbit happened at the Aero Theater, 1328 Montana Avenue at 14th Street, Santa Monica.
  • Jim Cunningham’s mansion is explicitly situated at 4252 Country Club Drive in Long Beach, south Los Angeles.

Geo Location Details