Displacement (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Displacement (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Displacement” is a science fiction thriller movie introduced in 2016. The plot ties around the struggle of a young physics student who has to unravel a murder mistery while dealing with time anomalies, her memory loss and other enigmatic occurences. The movie was directed by Kenneth Mader, and starred Courtney Hope, Susan Blakely, and Bruce Davison.

Where it Filmed?

Los Angeles, California, in the United States, was the primary filming location of the movie “Displacement”. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available,but it’s known that the movie was completed over two years from February 19, 2013, and May 10, 2015.MV5BMjI0MDg5MTc5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTgzOTA1ODE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Courtney Hope Cassie Sinclair
Susan Blakely Carol Sinclair
Bruce Davison Dr. Peter Deckard
Christopher Backus Brian Chance
Sarah Douglas Dr. Janice Miles
Aza Allen Lewis
Kristin Brock Cassie’s Doppelgänger
Karan Oberoi Joshua Campbell
Jayden Besana Joey
Jordan Besana Jimmy
Campbell Crates Denise
Cameron Crates Delaney
Ethan Talby RJ’s Cashier
Cecile Cinco RJ’s Patron
Richard Folwarski RJ’s Patron
Angela Crates RJ’s Patron
Carolina Rodriguez RJ’s Patron
Stefan Landstrom RJ’s Patron
Shirley Eramo RJ’s Patron
Skip Rocks RJ’s Patron
Harris Smith RJ’s Patron
Lou Richards Charles Sinclair
Michael Zhang Jacob Yu
Marta Galstyan McClelland Health Sciences Employee
Valentina Melekhova Health Sciences Employee
Cyntia Moreno Health Sciences Employee
Nathan Galusky Health Sciences Employee
Dylan Gera Health Sciences Employee
Lucas Zarro Health Sciences Employee
Tiffany Smith Hotel Maid
Andy Hengl Brian Double


Trivia and Facts

The movie was filmed over 32 days scattered across more than two years. It also accomplished the remarkable feat of winning five awards and earned a nomination for another. The film was widely acknowledged by both users and critics, adding to its list of achievements.MV5BMTg2MzIzMjgwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDM4MjA0OTE@. V1 QL75 UX820