Deuces (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Deuces (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Deuces, a 2016 film, is an action-crime movie directed by Jamal Hill and written by Curtis Bryant and Jamal Hill. The film plot focuses on an undercover agent who infiltrates a crime ring led by a captivating boss. The key roles in the movie are played by Larenz Tate, Meagan Good, and Rotimi. This description will provide readers with additional insights about filming areas, as well intriguing information regarding the movie’s production process.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Deuces” was primarily filmed at the Herald Examiner, located at 1111 S. Broadway, Downtown, Los Angeles, California, USA. Unfortunately, specific filming dates are not disclosed.MV5BMmZmMDUyNzQtNzhjZS00ZGI2LTk2OGEtMWI1YWFjYzE4NzNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1MzUyNDY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Larenz Tate Deuces
Meagan Good Janet Foster
Rotimi Face
Rick Gonzalez Papers
Rachel Aladdin Date in Night Club
La La Anthony Detective Diaz
Lionell Dalton
DeMarco Davis Gun Man
Kevin Dunigan Deputy
Andra Fuller Detective Solomon Garret
Lance Gross Jason
Chance Kelly Lieutenant Henderson
Alex Lane Restaurateur
Brandon Menchen Dealer
Jeremy Rudd Neighbor hood kid
Siya Diggs
Antonique Smith Tanya

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released on April 1, 2017, in the United States and has a one-hour twenty-seven-minute runtime.
  • Larenz Tate, Megan Good, and Rotimi are among the stars of the film, with many other actors featuring in support roles.
  • The movie was nominated for an award.
  • The production companies involved were Flavor Unit Entertainment and the film also premiered on Netflix.
  • The plot of the movie centers on ambitious undercover agent Jason Foster who finds his loyalties tested when he discovers that a charismatic boss, Stephen “Deuces” Brooks, is involved with someone close to him.
  • Trivia: Larenz Tate and Meagan Good previously starred together on another movie titled “Waist Deep.”
  • A goof recorded during the shooting of a scene where Face and Papers ambush Foster had to be shot multiple times because of Foster’s arm positioning.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Herald Examiner – 1111 S. Broadway, Downtown, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0393509
    • Longitude: -118.2596609
    • Place ID: ChIJscRMQcnHwoARKz6byw6CwyU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1111 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles