Death Magic (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Death Magic (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie in discussion is “Death Magic,” released in 1992. It’s a horror and thriller flick directed and written by Paul Clinco and Mark A.W. Smith. The film revolves around a group of magicians who bring a soldier from the Civil War back to life; this soldier goes on a killing spree against the ones related to his past life.

Where it Filmed?

Shooting for the movie “Death Magic” took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Unfortunately, information regarding the specific filming dates is unavailable.MV5BMzA3NzhlOWUtZTgzNS00MGY1LWJhZWYtOTA1N2Q2ZTFiNWM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Anne Coffrey Marisa
Keith DeGreen Powell Davidson
Danielle Frons Jane
Norman Stone Donald Graham
Jack Dunlap Major Aaron Parker
John Reidy Adam
Lynelle Glasgow Alice
Lynne Baehr Lieutenant Alvarez
Grayson Wyatt Tom McGuire
Nadine Miller Cathy McGuire
Elizabeth Jane Susan Richmond
Roger Gentry Matt Quimby
Susan Detlaff Sarah Quimby
Vic Roych Colonal Graham
Steven Hubble Lieutenant Jenkins
Ron Ward Captain Bondy
Paul Guerin Private Quimby
Donald Steinman Welles
Michelle Ward Welles’ Daughter
Ted Wooten Colonal McGuire
Frank Milliun Judge #1
Quint Quiner Judge #2
Stu Goldman Fat Cop
Michael Krupnick Tall Cop
Daniel Wooten Punk Kid
Larry Santora Male Newscaster
Eve Jackson Female Newscaster
Jue Martinez Bob Gonzalez
Bruce Trinko Indian
Alphonso Rodriguez Indian
Margie Kusky Indian
Monica Eccles Indian
Bob Bookman Library Guard
Paul Hubble Cop
Herb Stefan Cop
Steve Littel Cop
Chris Alford Cavalry
Kevin Grisham Cavalry
Billy Hutcherson Cavalry
James Jones Cavalry
Vic Karaway Cavalry
Steve Leatherman Cavalry
Dale Murlatt Cavalry
John Sprunken Cavalry
Eric Steinman Cavalry
Cliff Cilly Ambulance Crew
Neal Rankins Ambulance Crew
Nik Sokol Cavalry


Trivia and Facts

The film stars Anne Coffrey, Keith DeGreen, and Danielle Frons in pivotal roles. A specific trivia point is the strategic use of the plot; sorcery is used to bring back a soldier from the Civil War, setting the stage for a horror-thriller narrative. Paul Clinco was not only the Director but also wore hats as the writer and producer of the movie. An interesting fact to note is that the movie “Death Magic” will be released on Blu-ray by Culture Shock Releasing in 2023.MV5BYzcwOTdlZWQtNmU5MC00Yjc0LWJkNmMtNzBjMjkyY2E0Y2Y0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Tucson, Arizona, USA
    • Latitude: 32.2539787
    • Longitude: -110.9741769
    • Place ID: ChIJK-0sC0Fl1oYRFccWTTgtw3M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Tucson, AZ, USA
    • Timezone: America/Phoenix