Death Defying Acts (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Death Defying Acts (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Death Defying Acts” came out in the year 2007. It tells the story of Harry Houdini, played by Guy Pearce, who gets into a romantic relationship with a psychic trying to trick him during his tour in Britain in 1926. This article will explore the locations where this movie was filmed and share some fascinating details about it.

Where it Filmed?

“Death Defying Acts” was filmed in several locations across the UK. The Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden, Westminster, and Wilton’s Music Hall in Whitechapel, London were some of the places in Greater London where the movie was shot. Outside London, scenes were filmed on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland, and in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. In addition to these places, some parts were also shot in Charing Cross, Westminster. Filming began on September 9, 2006.MV5BNjg4Mjc1MjQwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjM1MTc3MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Guy Pearce Harry Houdini
Catherine Zeta-Jones Mary McGarvie
Timothy Spall Sugarman
Saoirse Ronan Benji McGarvie
Malcolm Shields Leith Romeo
Leni Harper Leith Romeo’s wife
Ralph Riach Mr. Robertson
Olivia Darnley Flower Stall Seller
Anthony O’Donnell Oily Librarian
Billy McColl McTavish
James Holmes Ugly Mug
Aileen O’Gorman Effie – Elderly Seamstress
Raymond Griffiths Music Hall Dwarf
Shaun Mason Heckler
Tom Cotcher Boxer’s Manager
Joanne Cummins Houdini Fan #1
Carol Robb Houdini Fan #2
Mark Carter Reporter #1
MacKay Crawford Psychic Reporter
Paul Grunert Hotel Manager
Graeme McKnight Bellboy
Aaron Brown Sugarman’s Assistant
Martin Fisher Concierge
Emma Humphries Chambermaid
Miles Jupp Ventriloquist
Tim Frost Tap Dancer
Cloi Mckee Psychic Twin One
David McKail Maitre’D
Maev Alexander Autograph Hound
Richard Dean Angel with Red Hair
Rod Arthur Police Chief
Alan David Professor
Lorraine Hilton Professor’s Assistant
Dodger Phillips Reporter #2
Campbell Graham Reporter #3
Jack Bailey Redhaired Pilot
Justin Flagg Montreal Student
Arthur Benjamins Bearded researcher
Liam Gerrard Reporter
Che Grant Montreal Student
Natasha Jenssen 1920’s Woman
Graham Curry Locksman (uncredited)
James Fiddy American Assistant (uncredited)
Steve Lately Tartan Tammy (uncredited)
Silvia Lombardo Usherette (uncredited)
Howard Pearse Spectator (uncredited)
Pam Rose Old lady (uncredited)
Leonard Silver Reporter (uncredited)
John Warman Reporter (uncredited)
Chris Wilson Reporter (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

Under Gillian Armstrong’s direction and a script by Tony Grisoni and Brian Ward, this movie straddles genres of drama and history. Released in Australia on March 13, 2008, it is a PG-rated movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 37 minutes. Guy Pearce, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Timothy Spall played the lead roles. The movie won 5 awards and was nominated for 7 others. It received reviews from 36 users and 53 critics. The supporting cast included Saoirse Ronan as Benji McGarvie, Malcolm Shields as Leith Romeo, and Leni Harper as Leith Romeo’s wife, among others.MV5BMjE0Nzc0ODkyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDE3Nzc3MQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Fortune Theatre, Russell Street, Covent Garden, Westminster, Greater London, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.5132869
    • Longitude: -0.1206925
    • Place ID: ChIJsQRsHMsEdkgRe3PnQS1c1uY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Russell St, London WC2B 5HH, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Wilton’s Music Hall, 1 Grace’s Alley, Whitechapel, London, Greater London, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.5107013
    • Longitude: -0.0668967
    • Place ID: ChIJbcQbMTQDdkgRGnjfXht0wPA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1 Graces Alley, London E1 8JB, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Calton Hill, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
    • Latitude: 55.9550465
    • Longitude: -3.1827409
    • Place ID: ChIJmcdGbonHh0gR3WZX92S2gZE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Calton Hill, Edinburgh EH7 5BN, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.8176538
    • Longitude: -0.8192387999999999
    • Place ID: ChIJvc2tLYhXdkgRs_t_WPoQG9g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Aylesbury, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Charing Cross, Westminster, Greater London, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.5090275
    • Longitude: -0.1255016
    • Place ID: ChIJrStISs4EdkgRvEoozoLVlx0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Charing Cross, London, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London

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