Dead Inn is a horror movie from 1997 with a runtime of 86 minutes. The film centers on a group of fugitives who seek refuge in an eerie inn, leading to horrific events. Directed by Jim Goodman and starring Todd Kimsey, Edgar Allan Poe IV, and Mark Jeffrey Miller, the movie offers some interesting filming locales and backstage facts.
Where it Filmed?
The movie Dead Inn was filmed in several locations across the United States. The major filming sites include North Carolina and California. Some scenes were also shot in Los Angeles, California and Graham, North Carolina. A significant location used is the Alamance County Historical Courthouse, situated at 1 Court Square, Graham, NC.
Cast Details
Cast Name | Role |
Todd Kimsey | Johnny Burns |
Edgar Allan Poe IV | Doc (The Innkeeper) / Johnson Albert Johnson |
Kerstin Steinbach | Billie Jo |
Jessica Russo | Kelly |
Stuart Barron | Hernando |
Rick Marshall | Big Joe |
Eddie ‘Snowman’ Crawford | Old Man |
Chris Marshall | Timmy |
Todd Davis | Clerk |
Trivia and Facts
- The movie achieved an “Unrated” status.
- The movie’s alternate titles in different countries include “Another Evil Dead II: Dead Inn” in Japan, “L’hostal de la mort” in Catalonia, Spain, “La mansión maldita” in Spain, “Гостиница мертвецов” in Russia, and “Zoku shiryô no harawata” in Japan.
- The film’s screenplay was penned by Henry J. Lindley.
- The movie was produced on an estimated budget of $40,000.
- The music for the film was composed by Charles Gregory Washington.
- The film depicts themes of zombies, convicts, gore, blood-spatter and female-nudity.
- Phillip Dedmon served as the executive producer.
Geo Location Details
- Location Name: North Carolina, USA
- Latitude: 35.7595731
- Longitude: -79.01929969999999
- Place ID: ChIJgRo4_MQfVIgRGa4i6fUwP60
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: North Carolina, USA
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Location Name: California, USA
- Latitude: 36.778261
- Longitude: -119.4179324
- Place ID: ChIJPV4oX_65j4ARVW8IJ6IJUYs
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: California, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
- Latitude: 34.0549076
- Longitude: -118.242643
- Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Location Name: Graham, North Carolina, USA
- Latitude: 36.0679541
- Longitude: -79.40039209999999
- Place ID: ChIJ1c2n6E8rU4gRbuGJRFDZsuQ
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Graham, NC, USA
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Location Name: Alamance County Historical Courthouse, 1 Court Square, Graham, NC, USA
- Latitude: 36.0692783
- Longitude: -79.4003657
- Place ID: ChIJVyVCg0ErU4gRstu65nooEnA
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: 1 Court Square, Graham, NC 27253, USA
- Timezone: America/New_York