Dawn of the Dragonslayer (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dawn of the Dragonslayer (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is an introduction to the movie “Dawn of the Dragonslayer”, released in 2011. It’s about where the film was recorded, who played what characters, and we will also delve into more interesting aspects about the movie and its backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Dawn of the Dragonslayer” was filmed in Ireland. The specific dates of filming are not available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Richard McWilliams Will Shepherd
Nicola Posener Kate Sterling
Philip Brodie Rogan Ap Cynan
Ian Cullen Baron Sterling
Maggie Daniels Lady Spriggs
Michael O’Flaherty Crow
Anthony Murphy Tom
Adam Johnson Lance
Nick Devlin Sam
Ciaran O’Grady Dirth
Lemuel Black Baron DeGuilbert
Louie Rodriguez Sheep Herder

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Trivia and Facts

  • The director of the film is Anne K. Black.
  • Some of the main actors are Richard McWilliams, Nicola Posener, and Philip Brodie.
  • The film was produced by Arrowstorm Entertainment, Uncle Louie Productions, M Squared Entertainment, and BluFire Studios.
  • The story revolves around a character named Will whose father is killed by a dragon. He then goes on a mission for revenge.
  • Despite being set to avenge his father’s death, Will forms a friendship with Kate, the daughter of tyrannical Sterling.
  • The movie has a duration of 1 hour and 37 minutes.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Ireland
    • Latitude: 53.77975540000001
    • Longitude: -7.3055309
    • Place ID: ChIJj2lzXZ5hXkgRjcZqTUQ5m8o
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Ireland
    • Timezone: Europe/Dublin

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