Dark Spirits (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dark Spirits (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Dark Spirits,” released in 2008, is a gripping horror thriller directed and written by Huck Keppler. The action revolves around the main character, Eva, played by Milena Minichová, who dives into an eery adventure searching for her sister’s murderer. Alongside Milena, actors Dan Brown and Jan Budar also play significant roles in this American film.

Where it Filmed?

“Dark Spirits” was shot in the mystical city of Prague, Czech Republic, which lent a unique atmospheric backdrop to the movie’s thrilling storyline. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available. Despite this, it’s clear that the historical and gothic architecture of Prague played a significant role in creating the movie’s haunting ambiance.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Milena Minichová Eva
Jan Budar David
Václav Jirácek Lucas Nemec
Lucia Sipisova Petra
Lucia Siposová Petra
Hanna Stredova Klara
Vlastina Svátková Tereza

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film ran for a duration of 1 hour and 39 minutes.
  • Among the cast, Milena Minichová played the role of Eva, Dan Brown played Sgt Herz, and Jan Budar took on the character of David.
  • Huck Keppler wore multiple hats, not just as the director but as a writer and producer as well.
  • Lucas Nemec was portrayed by actor Václav Jirácek.
  • David N. Jahn worked on the music for the film, whereas Nicolas Loir was responsible for the cinematography.
  • The film saw production management by Ondrej Neumann, and the script was handled within the editorial department by Vendy Fenclová.
  • The film’s special makeup effects were created by Adam Martyn.
  • Big Pine Holdings was the production company behind Dark Spirits. Various distributors shared the movie worldwide, including 4Digital Media in the United Kingdom and Amazon Instant Video in the United States.
  • The film carries different titles in various countries. In Germany, it is known as ‘Bad Dreams – Dämonen der Nacht’ and ‘Dark Spirits – Angst ist dein stärkster Feind.’ In China, it’s known under the Mandarin title ‘暗灵.’


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Prague, Czech Republic
    • Latitude: 50.0755381
    • Longitude: 14.4378005
    • Place ID: ChIJi3lwCZyTC0cRkEAWZg-vAAQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Prague, Czechia
    • Timezone: Europe/Prague