Daddy’s Home 2 (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Daddy’s Home 2 (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Daddy’s Home 2 is a comedy film that was released in 2017. The movie is about Brad and Dusty who have to deal with their fathers during the holidays. Main roles in the film were played by Will Ferrell as Brad, Mark Wahlberg as Dusty, and Mel Gibson as Kurt.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Daddy’s Home 2 took place in several locations across Massachusetts, USA. These locations included Great Barrington, Boston, Clinton, Lawrence, and Concord. The movie was filmed from March 20, 2017, to May 24, 2017.MV5BMTczMDQyMTIzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTM0OTAyNDM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Will Ferrell Brad
Mark Wahlberg Dusty
Mel Gibson Kurt
John Lithgow Don
Linda Cardellini Sara
Alessandra Ambrosio Karen
Scarlett Estevez Megan
Didi Costine Adrianna
Connor Wise Griffy
Daphne Wise Griffy
Dylan Wise Griffy
John Cena Roger
Andrea Anders Principal Hayes
Hector Presedo Pepe
Yamilah Saravong Casey
Daniel DiMaggio Young Dusty
Matthew Delamater Gun Salesman
Yimmy Yim Yimmy
Bill Mootos Bill
John MacGregor Improv Actor
Kelly Dooley Improv Actor
Anne Krane Improv Actor
Vicki Hanes Improv Actor
Jonathan Angel Improv Audience Member
Jonathan Kobs Nativity Instigator
Oscar Wahlberg Roberto C. Fishman Pratt
Priscilla Manning Brad’s Mom
Sylvia Barjolo Marlene
Hillary Olinger Ms. Pratt
Allen Zwolle Lonely Guy at Theatre
Marisa Pazik Scotty Kimble’s Mom
Weverton Alves Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Sean Anders Piano player in the Improv Club (uncredited)
Jorge Atehortua Bowling Alley Patron / Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Kermens Atwood Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Kaden Barry Boy Standing in Santa Line (uncredited)
Rhea Beaupre Movie-goer (uncredited)
Erika Belisle Movie Patron (uncredited)
Sophia Bellas Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Susan Bergeron Boutique Store Patron (uncredited)
Steve Bertorelli Traveler (uncredited)
David S. Bookbinder Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Jim Boyd Magi or Wiseman (uncredited)
Shayna Bredbeck Christina
Movie Theater Employee (uncredited)
Eliane Brick Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Thomas Brogan Airport NewsStand Cashier (uncredited)
Skylar Brunk Girl Leading Santa Line (uncredited)
Bill Burr Jerry (uncredited)
Ryan Burton Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Ronald Cabral Hospital Guest (uncredited)
Camden Christmas Pageant Guest (uncredited)
Isaiah K. Carter Percussionist (uncredited)
Meghan Chery Student (uncredited)
Al Cialella Bowling Alley Patron (uncredited)
Bo Cleary Chauffeur (uncredited)
Melinda Coady Waitress (uncredited)
Nahtoreya Coleman Twin (uncredited)
Angel Connell Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Kevin Daigneault Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Tierre Diaz Parent (uncredited)
Jerry DiLeo Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Xavier Dillingham Movie Theater Employee (uncredited)
Sunny Duane Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Ray Dudley Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Ivy Ebanks Movie Goer (uncredited)
Jody Ebling Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Joseph Edwards Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Brendan Egan Movie Theater Kid (uncredited)
Manny Famolare Boutique Store Patron (uncredited)
Steve Flynn Hunting Gear Customer (uncredited)
Dick Forde Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
John Franchi Pedestrian (uncredited)
Frankie Francois Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Audrey Fratelli Waitress (uncredited)
Susan Garfield Lisa – Box Office Employee (uncredited)
Anabel Graetz Woman in Airport (uncredited)
Elaine Victoria Grey Parent (uncredited)
Jed Griswold Hunter / Shopper (uncredited)
Alin Halajian Airport Traveler
Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Ian Hayes Gun Clerk (uncredited)
Benjamin Healy Dad in Crowd (uncredited)
Mark Hemphill Nightclub Patron / Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Ryan Hester Snow Tuber (uncredited)
Ross Higgins Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Mary Hronicek Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Lin Hult Still Photographer (uncredited)
Ian Dylan Hunt Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Frankie Imbergamo Bowling Alley Employee (uncredited)
Creighton Jones Jr. Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Pat Julian Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Glenn W. Kane Parent (uncredited)
Ken Kansky Antler Bowling Employee (uncredited)
Samantha Kelly Louise – Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Dov Kling-Levine Parent (uncredited)
Christina Kostoulakos Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Sasha Kuznetsova Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Laurie Kwiatkowski Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Damon LeGrand Improv Club Patron (uncredited)
James L. Leite Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Dean Littlefield Bowler (uncredited)
Charles Luise Christmas Concert Parent (uncredited)
Rob Lévesque Stressed Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Gwen MacKay Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Amber Michaelle Maher Parent at Christmas Show (uncredited)
Jimmy Malcolm Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Louise Mara Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Tom Mariano Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Jalesia Martinez Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Elle Matarazzo Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Mathuin Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Lily McEvoy Movie Theater Girl Under Mistletoe (uncredited)
Lucas McEvoy Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Brendan Meehan Kid on Snow Tube (uncredited)
Terry Monfet Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Alana Monteiro Airport Attendee (uncredited)
Bella Moore Kid on Snowtube (uncredited)
Steven Mulcahy Jr. Lodge Patron (uncredited)
Kasey Murray Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Rocco Navarro Parent (uncredited)
Liam Neeson Liam Neeson (uncredited)
Lance Norris Hunter (uncredited)
Henry Oehler Student (uncredited)
Joseph Oliveira Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
DJ Ormond Lyle the Elf (uncredited)
Colton Osorio Little Boy (uncredited)
Arissa Page Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Jim Patton Judgemental Bowler (uncredited)
Anthony Pelton Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Andre Pith Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Kelly Pokrywka Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Nathan Porter Airport Guest (uncredited)
Rickland Powell Christmas Tree Lot Santa (uncredited)
Jim Powers Parent (uncredited)
Suzanne Prunty Town Person (uncredited)
Michael Randazzese Shopper (uncredited)
Logan Raposo Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Ralph Regine Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Bob Rochelle Skier / Bowler / Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Katrina Romanoff Bowler (uncredited)
Dannielle Rose Christmas Pageant Guest / Teacher (uncredited)
Manajhjanihe Royalle Nightclub Patron / Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Sheila Salaverry Bowler (uncredited)
Nicole Sarmiento 80’s Band Member (uncredited)
John Sarnie Store Shopper (uncredited)
Scott Sederquist Movie Usher Paul (uncredited)
Sammy Silverwatch Little Drummer Boy (uncredited)
Susan Halsey Singer Movie Goer (uncredited)
Chuck Slavin Original Joseph (uncredited)
Michael Stanton School Teacher (uncredited)
Travis Starr Bowler / Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
David Struffolino Christmas Pageant Guest (uncredited)
Carole Taylor Skier and Lodge Patron (uncredited)
Stephen Trouskie Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Jacob Van Tine Sean (Psycho) Movie Theater Employee (uncredited)
Peter Lewis Walsh Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Mike Weiner Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Amy Whalen Movie Theater Patron (uncredited)
Susan Wilson Parent (uncredited)
Eric Wolf Holiday Shopper (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Director of the movie is Sean Anders.
  • The movie also included writers like John Morris and Brian Burns.
  • Other actors in the movie included John Lithgow as Don, Linda Cardellini as Sara, and Alessandra Ambrosio as Karen.
  • Owen Vaccaro played Dylan, Scarlett Estevez was Megan, and Didi Costine was Adrianna.
  • The film received 1 win and 8 nominations for awards.
  • Daddy’s Home 2 is rated PG-13 and has runtime of 1h and 40min.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.1959798
    • Longitude: -73.362008
    • Place ID: ChIJZfnFpQvS5okRBNkKoAVvf_E
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Great Barrington, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.41676349999999
    • Longitude: -71.68290809999999
    • Place ID: ChIJTRVlLA3x44kR2kcaIywKCKo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Clinton, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.7070354
    • Longitude: -71.1631137
    • Place ID: ChIJ772KcsAH44kR29UfTrU8HY0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Lawrence, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Concord, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 42.4603719
    • Longitude: -71.3489484
    • Place ID: ChIJ9SKkJkCa44kRkKR4K5p3zlg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Concord, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York