Concrete_Savanna (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Concrete_Savanna (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Concrete Savanna” is a horror movie from the year 2021. The film is about a struggling travel vlogger named Savanna Mills, played by Sarah Hitzel, who is ready to do anything for popularity and wealth. This simple recap provides information regarding the film’s shooting locations and actors, as well as some interesting backstage details.

Where it Filmed?

The movie, known as “Concrete Savanna,” was filmed in two main areas within the United States. The first location was Atlanta, Georgia, where a significant portion of the film was shot. The team then moved to the sunny coasts of Palm Beach, Florida, for the rest of the filming process. Unfortunately, there is no exact information available regarding the film’s shooting dates.MV5BNjNiMDQ4MmEtMWQ4ZC00YTMyLWI1MWYtMDhlZjEzMWJkNTU5XkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Sarah Hitzel Sarah Wilson
Rajeev Jacob Heath Myers
Mia Matthews Mother
Bianca Matthews April Myers
Gary Wayne Loper Virgil Caine
Nick DeKay Nick
Hannah Aslesen Marry
Katherine Blanford Shelby
Léa Boulch Leah
Johnathan Gonzalez Detective Gonzalez
Brent Jordan Bradley
Daniel Jordan Thomas
Paul Kim John
Kevin B. McGlynn Mr. Wright
Vincenzo Mistretta Gorgio
Christian Grey Moore Chuck
Auden Pye Aiden
Tyner Rushing Art Dealer
Leah Sessa Rachel

Trivia and Facts

The film captures the struggles of Savanna Mills, acted by Sarah Hitzel, who lives out of her car with little money, yet has the ambition to become famous. Josh Mitton and Matthew Pye were at the helm as directors, working from a script they both wrote. Noteworthy actors such as Rajeev Jacob and Mia Matthews were also part of the cast. “Concrete Savanna” is worth watching not only for its storyline but also for its remarkable production features.MV5BNzFjMzA1YzUtOTk5ZC00ODkyLWI4YTQtZjJhYzc5MTE0MzBlXkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Atlanta Georgia, USA
    • Latitude: 33.748752
    • Longitude: -84.38768449999999
    • Place ID: ChIJjQmTaV0E9YgRC2MLmS_e_mY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Atlanta, GA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York