College Kickboxers (1991) Filming Locations and Cast Details

College Kickboxers (1991) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie ‘College Kickboxers’ from 1991 is an action film that’s an hour and 29 minutes long. The key roles are played by Ken McLeod, Tak-Wing Tang, and Matthew Ray Cohen. It’s about a martial arts student who fights a racist gang. This movie’s back stage facts and filming locations are interesting to know about.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of ‘College Kickboxers’ took place in San Jose, California, USA. The movie was shot during the month of August in the year 1989.MV5BMDVjZjg5NTUtYTNiNC00YTgzLWE0OTAtOThlM2VhZWZjZjZmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY4MjE1MDA@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tak-Wing Tang Sifu Wing
Kendra Tucker Kimberly
Roland Francisco Joey
Katie Mohler Theresa
Eric Berguist Cohort
Michael O’Connell Willie Porter
Bryan Fernandez Cohort
Rob Lastiri White Tiger
Chris Jordan White Tiger
Scott Abbott White Tiger
David McMillan White Tiger
Harry Mok Tournament Competitor
Donald Rothblatt Professor
Randy Rymer Ice Rink Owner
Ren Rioux Self
Jeff Langton Gary Carlisle (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The gang who are shown as the stuntmen in the movie are actual blackbelts from Ernie Reyes West Coast Tae Kwan Do.
  • The movie ‘Showdown’ that was released in 1993, refers to ‘College Kickboxers’.
  • A quote from the movie by the character Sifu Wing is “In kung fu, nothing is impossible. Try again. And again!”

    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: San Jose, California, USA
      • Latitude: 37.33874
      • Longitude: -121.8852525
      • Place ID: ChIJ9T_5iuTKj4ARe3GfygqMnbk
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: San Jose, CA, USA
      • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles