C’mon Man (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

C’mon Man (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

C’mon Man (2012) is a comedy film directed and written by Kenny Young. It features Tony Rock, Julie Alexander, and Tee Ashira as the main cast. This article will explore the filming locations of the movie and share interesting facts about its production.

Where it Filmed?

The entire filming for C’mon Man took place in Los Angeles, California, USA. The use of diverse locations within this city helped bring the story to life. However, specific dates about when the filming occurred are not provided.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tony Rock Jeff Woods
Julie Alexander Audience Member 5
Tee Ashira Donna Davis
Rolando Boyce Audience Member 1
J. Anthony Brown Dirty Red
Nikki Brown Audience Member 3
Jamie Burton-Oare Shontizzy Verdun
Peppur Chambers Bettie Brown
Michael Colyar Self
Melanie Comarcho Self
Lavell Crawford Self
Terryl Daluz Terrell Thomas
Tommy Davidson Self
Douglas Dickerman Sergio Wineberg
J. Downing Preston Stone
Brely Evans Interviewee
Keena Ferguson Actress
Marla Gibbs Mrs. Crabtree
Eddie Goines Moderator
Cristina Gonzalez
Sharyn Grose Audience Member 6
Walter Harris Abdul Johnston
Victor Hobson Audience member 9
Hadrian Hooks Comedian 1
Paige Hopkins Sunshine Love
Anna Maria Horsford Mrs. Woods
Lanre Idewu Marcus
Milauna Jackson Sparkle Smith
T.J. Jackson Jeff Cousin
Phil James Rick
Jasmine Jordan Girl on the Street
Clive Kennedy Director
Josh King Interviewee
Shoneji Loraine Comedian 4
Luenell Joyce
Victor Marshall Fan at School
Tyler McCrary Hubert’s Kid
Alex Morris Mr. Woods
Maseeh Muhammad Hubert’s Kid
Saadiqa Muhammad Pepper Smyles
Kirkaldy Myers Man on the Street
John Nelson Comedian 2
Jai Norman Bouncer
Rodney Perry Hubert Davis
Tarina Pouncy Interviewee
Clifton Powell Rooselvelt Steele
Ronnie Ray Triflin
Carrie Reichenbach Autumn Love
Alice Rietveld Amber
Emilio Rivera Steven
Raquel Rosser Mistress
Alem Brhan Sapp Marcus
Dave Silva Preacher Gonzales
Chris Spencer Self
Richard Tanner Grant Flowers
Marie-Françoise Theodore Audience Member 7
LeShay N. Tomlinson Peaches
Joe Torry Self
Maronzio Vance F.U.
Daija Washington Hubert’s Kid
Karimah Westbrook Angel
Kym Whitley Self
Kenny Young Luther

Trivia and Facts

  • The film is a comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 41 minutes.
  • It was released on 26th June 2012 in the USA.
  • The plot revolves around the rise, fall, and attempted rise of a stand-up comedian dealing with personal issues.
  • The movie got reviews from 6 users and starred a large ensemble cast.
  • Apart from the primary cast, the remaining cast also played different roles ranging from audience members, personalities on set like the director, casting assistant, or Bouncer, and also interviewees and Fans at school.
  • Production companies included James Young Entertainment, AVG Global Entertainment, and AmVic Entertainment.
  • It was distributed by Grindstone Entertainment Group and Lionsgate Home Entertainment in the United States.
  • The film was known as “The Last Laugh” in the United States.
  • The movie was filmed in color with Dolby Digital sound.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles