Chain of Desire (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Chain of Desire (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Chain of Desire” is a drama-romance movie released in 1992. This article shares details about where the film was shot, who played what roles, and other interesting facts and behind-the-scenes trivia associated with the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Chain of Desire” was filmed at New York City, New York, USA. The shooting period of this film ranged from June 7, 1991, to July 28, 1991.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Linda Fiorentino Alma D’Angeli
Elias Koteas Jesus
Angel Aviles Isa
Patrick Bauchau Jerald Buckley
Grace Zabriskie Linda Bailey
Malcolm McDowell Hubert Bailey
Jamie Harrold Keith
Tim Guinee Ken
Dewey Weber David Bango
Holly Marie Combs Diana
Seymour Cassel Mel
Assumpta Serna Cleo
Kevin Conroy Joe
Suzzanne Douglas Angie
Joseph McKenna M.C
Karole Armitage Dancer
Michael Puler Dancer
Rachel Tucker Dancer
Alicia Ho Dancer
Edward Jenkins Dancer
Iraida Polanco Woman in church
Joshua Robert Kaplan Boy in Church
Antonia Rey Jesus’ Mother
Teodorina Bello Santera
Brooks Rogers Sergeant Langdom
Lynn Frazen-Cohen Gloria Insburg
Rica Martens Woman in Pearls
Ebony Jo-Ann Laughing Woman
Mickey Cottrell Procurer
Sabrina Lloyd Melissa
York Bergin Tommy
Todd Bailey Boy in Window
Sarah Newhouse Girl at Ticket Counter
Edgar Oviedo Sandoval Radio Announcer
John Schnall Radio Announcer
Tom Billett Bouncer (uncredited)
Hélène Cardona Dancer (uncredited)
Daniel Carnevale Dancer (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is classified as ‘unrated’.
  • It runs for a total duration of 1 hour and 47 minutes.
  • The movie was released in the UK on July 30, 1993.
  • The film tells the story of a series of unrelated lovers who are connected by desire.
  • It was directed and written by Temístocles López.
  • Stars of the movie include Linda Fiorentino, Elias Koteas, and Angel Aviles.
  • The film received one award nomination.
  • The movie was reviewed by 11 users and 5 critics.
  • The film is also known as “Im Strudel der Begierde” in Germany, “Las cadenas del deseo” in Spain, “Ερωτικές επιθυμίες” in Greece, “Pasión mortal” in Mexico, and “Arzu Zinciri” in Turkey.
  • In the list of interesting facts, Sabrina Lloyd, Helene Cardona, and Kevin Conroy made their film debut through this movie.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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