Cat People (1982) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Cat People (1982) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This section is about Cat People, a 1982’s fantasy horror movie directed by Paul Schrader and the place where the film was shot. In the film, Nastassja Kinski is seen playing Irene Gallier and Malcolm McDowell appears as Paul Gallier. This write up will provide more interesting details about the movie and its backstage events.

Where it Filmed?

Cat People recorded in several places in the USA, specifically in New Orleans, Louisiana. Here is a list of the shooting sites:

  • Audubon Zoo, found at 6500 Magazine Street
  • 617 Ursulines Avenue
  • 591 Esplanade Ave
  • Cliff’s Lounge, located at 1015 St. Louis Street
  • 1031 N Claiborne Avenue

The film shooting happened from April 6, 1981, to July 10, 1981.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Malcolm McDowell Paul Gallier
John Heard Oliver Yates
Annette O’Toole Alice Perrin
Ruby Dee Female
Ed Begley Jr. Joe Creigh
Scott Paulin Bill Searle
Frankie Faison Detective Brandt
Ron Diamond Detective Ron Diamond
Lynn Lowry Ruthie
John Larroquette Bronte Judson
Tessa Richarde Billie
Patricia Perkins Taxi Driver
Berry Berenson Sandra
Fausto Barajas Otis
John H. Fields Massage Parlor Manager
Emery Hollier Yeatman Brewer
Stephen Marshal Moonie
Julie Denney Carol
Arione De Winter Indian Village Mother
Francine Segal Church Woman
Don Hood Train Station Agent
David Showacre Man in Bar
Neva Gage Cat-Like Woman
Marisa Folse Indian Girl
Danelle Hand Indian Girl
John C. Isbell Police Officer
Charles Joseph Konya Jr. Policeman
Marco St. John Policeman
Brett Alexander Cub Scout
Gregory Gatto Cub Scout
Terc Martinez Cub Scout
David Ross McCarty Man in Airport
James Deeth Second Helicopter Pilot
Ray Wise Soap Opera Man
Jo Ann Dearing Soap Opera Woman
The Black Pope D.J. (voice)
David Blackwell Staring Man on Bus (uncredited)
Craig Deroche Homeless Person (uncredited)
Stocker Fontelieu Priest (uncredited)
Elisha Rapson Girl Scout / Zoo Visitor (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, a movie released in 1958, was directed by Richard Brooks and starred Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman, Burl Ives, Judith Anderson, and Jack Carson. However, Tennessee Williams, the author of the original play, was quite unhappy with this on-screen adaptation. It’s interesting to note that the location for this film was mistakenly identified as Coleman Mansion on Long Island in The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations book. In reality, it was shot mostly in the MGM Studio in Culver City, Los Angeles, where a complete exterior of a white-pillared Antebellum mansion was built on a soundstage. Finally, in Cat People, the lead actress was nominated for an award four times.MV5BNTEyMTI4MjM1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODc5NzIwMjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Audubon Zoo – 6500 Magazine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9237334
    • Longitude: -90.1314068
    • Place ID: ChIJsdaixOGkIIYRg_AXIKlbpQA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 6500 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: 617 Ursulines Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9609176
    • Longitude: -90.06126569999999
    • Place ID: ChIJqSxzyBCmIIYRXWjBYI4k__Y
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 617 Ursulines Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: 591 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9628111
    • Longitude: -90.0589569
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 591 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Cliff’s Lounge – 1015 St. Louis Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9584938
    • Longitude: -90.06907299999999
    • Place ID: ChIJM4Xeww6mIIYRE8w7HiNuT6w
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1015 St Louis St, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: 1031 N Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9673048
    • Longitude: -90.0710417
    • Place ID: ChIJmbT8uAamIIYR_vyxaxIKRIA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1031 N Claiborne Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago