Casual Encounters

Casual Encounters (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a simple introduction to the 2016 comedy movie “Casual Encounters”. This movie highlights the bizarre world of online dating through the eyes of Justin, played by Taran Killam, after a heartbreaking and public breakup. The movie was directed by Zackary Adler and was written by Sebastian J. Michael and Erik Steinmetz. The film also stars Brooklyn Decker and David Krumholtz. This article outlines where the movie was shot, who played what roles, and interesting backstage information about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The comedy movie “Casual Encounters” was filmed in a popular movie location – Los Angeles, California, USA. The recording of the film took place in June 2013. Los Angeles is known for its diverse settings, making it a perfect location for a movie about online dating.MV5BMTUwMTI2NDM1MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzYwMjM3ODE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Taran Killam Justin Davis
Brooklyn Decker Laura Leonard
David Krumholtz Sammy Deetz
Mark Boone Junior Earl Conrad
David Arquette Louis
Sienna Farall Mercedes
Aimee-Lynn Chadwick Sarah Hanes
Damienne Merlina Heidi
El Nitro 56 Roky
James Bailey Internet Dater
Jeremiah Benjamin Red Head with a Beard
Ceri Bethan Emily
Dingani Beza Clarence
Kyle Cartieri Monroe
Braxton Davis Rick Corbin
Christo Dimassis Mr. Ocelot
Andrew Friedman Online Dater
Tennile Marie Goosic Texting Co-Worker
Raffy Hdz Raffy Hdz
Rod Ives Boy Goth
Jelena Jensen Potential Buyer
Harvey L. Jordan Art Gallery Visitor
Dasha Kittredge Casual Encounters Subscriber
Chad Loethen Fancy Bartender
Jeremy Loethen Shaving Co-Worker
Holland MacFallister Man with Very Thick Glasses
Talita Maia Hot co-worker
Virginia Marcus Chantal Artur
Roger M. Mayer Avi
Emily McCarron Hostess
Andrew Gray McDonnell Venice Surfer
Meghan McGarry Sandy
Alberto David Mercado Background
Joel Michaely Terry
the Creepy Dude
Jordan Monaghan Pamela
Charlotte Newhouse Barbie
Nick Nicotera Disgruntled Caller
Sara Lynn Pickett Average Looking Woman
Kevin Ragsdale Slightly Drunk Older Man
Angela Relucio Kacy
Anna Ross Girl Goth
Lisa Schurga Online Dater
Annie Sertich Online Dater
Brandon Shepherd Art Patron
Steven D. Snyder Man with Shaved Head
David Z. Stamp Man in Cat Sweater
Erik Steinmetz Bartender
Mindy Sterling Justin’s Mom
Tessa-Rose Von Erlach Cute Waitress
Williemgc Mark
Arielle Yuspeh Self
Joshua Nicks Art Patron (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was classified as a Comedy and has a run time of 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • Justin Davis is in the lead role played by Taran Killam. Brooklyn Decker played Laura Leonard and David Krumholtz performed as Sammy Deetz.
  • The filming dates were in June 2013 and the release date was on June 07, 2016.
  • There is a Goof in the movie where Justin’s phone screen says it’s mid-afternoon on June 11, but the text he looked at earlier in the day was dated June 20.
  • In one of the quotes, the topic of wearing multiple condoms as a method to prevent premature ejaculation was humorously covered.
  • Casual Encounters was distributed by Grindstone Entertainment Group and Lionsgate Home Entertainment in the United States and Multiple Media Entertainment in Canada.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles