Cake: A Wedding Story (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Cake: A Wedding Story (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Cake: A Wedding Story is a comedy movie that was released in 2007. The film unravels the story of a bride-to-be who is coerced by her family into having an extravagant wedding but hatches her own unique plan. The film stars notable actors like G.W. Bailey, Thomas Calabro, and William Zabka. This article provides detail on where the film was shot, along with some interesting trivia and facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Cake: A Wedding Story took place in two main locations in the United States. The first location is Austin, Texas, and the second one is Malibu, California. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates aren’t available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
G.W. Bailey Howard Canter
Thomas Calabro Bernard
William Zabka Sam
Catherine Anderson Martin Juliet Willoughby
Adam Green Felix Canter
Mary Ellen Trainor Jane Andrews
Will Wallace Ted Andrews
Joe Estevez Ken Willoughby
Dominic Scott Kay Ryan
Burton Gilliam Judge
Ann Cusack Celeste
Joe Stevens Bip Saxton
Becky Jane Romine Gretchen Willoughby
Marjorie Clifton Liz Willoughby
Craig Syracusa Alex
Matthew S. Harrison Father Matthew
Teresa Castle Kathy
Alexis Ashley Patience
Luke Coffee Jimmy Z
Jason Manns Bret
Juha Bjorlin Juha
Nikki Boyer Nurse
Bob Farster Art
Tom McCafferty Mike
Brad MacDonald Tom
Brave Matthews 1 Year Old Stud’s Dad
Nick Pellegrino Rabbi
Michael Aills Clarence
Jamie Amaral Tall Girl
Lily Asinovsky Jeanne
Matt Bayless Flock of Sunshine Singer
Stephanie Blake Candy
Doyle Carter Old Man
Margaret Carter Old Woman
Whitney Cone Cabbie
Danielle Daboub Drunk Girl
Matthew Davidson Flock of Sunshine Bass Player
Thomas Dawson Jr. Wedding Keyboardist
Jonathan DePaz Calamigos Employee
Toni Drago Candy’s Friend
Brian Scott Fitzgerald Security Guard
Anne Gerber Friend #1
Sara Gibbons Cat
David Gibbs Harri
Joanna ‘Jodi’ Gilbert Ruth Canter
Dionne Houle Grandma Canter
Natalie Hoy Friend #2
Lauren Bailey Hunt Girl
Erika Jensen Bartender
Charlie Kanter Flower Girl
Conroy Kanter Shep
Harry Kanter Cheapskate
Reed Kanter Herman
Scott Kay Flock Of Sunshine Keyboardist
Adam Langley Museum Starer #2
Andrea Lee Museum Starer #1
Jarret LeMaster Amputee Band Singer #1
Ruth Ann Lentz Roscoe
Elaine Sarah Miles Wedding Singer
Jane Peterson Stewardess
Rebecca Richardson Phillips Parent
Andrea Scarduzio Achilles
Carla Stoelting Marla
Thomas Tamburello Bird-Dog
Matt Thompson Flock Of Sunshine Drummer
Russell Towne Security Guard
Stephen Van Dorn Amputee Band Singer #2
Wilkins Wallace 1 Year Old Stud
Kerry Wallum Charles Willoughby
Andrea Walters Cheapskate’s Wife
Jennifer Lynn Wilson Photographer
Ari Zagaris Chip

Trivia and Facts

  • Cake: A Wedding Story won an award on the day of its world premiere – the “Abbott Award” for “Best Feature: Audience Choice” at The Other Venice Film Festival on March 18th, 2007.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Austin, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 30.267153
    • Longitude: -97.7430608
    • Place ID: ChIJLwPMoJm1RIYRetVp1EtGm10
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Austin, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Malibu, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0380585
    • Longitude: -118.6923438
    • Place ID: ChIJP9YI-akd6IARWozqsnEtt5M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Malibu, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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