Breaking and Entering (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Breaking and Entering (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The romantic comedy ‘Breaking and Entering’ was released in 2004. It showcases the adventure of a charismatic burglar who encounters a mysterious woman upon entering an assumed empty house. The film, directed by Vin Morreale Jr, stars Joshua Loren, Jenifour Jones, and Adam Baroni. It’s a fun ride and lets us delve into exciting details about where it was shot and some interesting facts about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The entire film was shot in the city of Louisville, located in the state of Kentucky, USA. However, the specifics regarding the filming dates of the movie are currently unavailable. MV5BMTYyMzQ5MzUyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzg4MTQ3. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Joshua Loren Warren
Bobbi Jean Basche Jasmine
Randall Carlton Roberto
Camille Cothron Waitress
William Cothron Con Artist
Susan DeSensi Tracy
Sandra L. Feeley Felicia
Marissa Ghavami Amy
Erica Goldsmith Curvy Woman
James Wolford Hardin Wino
Rita Hight Ms. Ralston
John Hope Clerk
Charlie Hunter Captain Wachelski
Pasley Jeffrey Norris
Robert Johnson Vinnie
Tim Kelty Sandler
Yewell Sonny King Eloquent Bill
Joshua Lane Chef Francois
Danielle Leeber Krystal
Tom Luce Detective Turley
Robert Marshall III Rosario
Vin Morreale Jr. Luchese
Christina Morreale Leslie
Susan Morreale Susan
Linda Nolan Olivia
Jeff Pasley Norris
Patricia Perleberg-Owen Christina
Marty Pollio Henri
Mark Sawyer-Dailey Lawton
Shawn Slone Maitre D’
Shawn D. Slone Maitre D’
Teri Swan-Corya Customer
Christopher Thurston Jeff
Juergen K. Tossmann Paulie
Frank Vizi Bull
Eleanor Wells Julie
Jeff Mitchell Card Mark (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

Interestingly, the film narrative is based on an award-winning stage play. Its screenplay is known for its witty dialogue and plot twists, which engaged the audience throughout the movie. In addition to this, ‘Breaking and Entering’ has been successful in the film industry, having won an award. The movie was produced by VSM Entertainment and VSM Productions while distribution was handled by Stream Go Media (United States) and Unicorn Entertainment International (Hong Kong). Lastly, despite its low budget of an estimated $300,000, the film achieved notable success which proves that quality storytelling need not be financially demanding.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
    • Latitude: 38.2526647
    • Longitude: -85.7584557
    • Place ID: ChIJEdVbsxoLaYgRMv1xICi009Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Louisville, KY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York