Box Elder (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Box Elder (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Box Elder” is an American comedy film that was released in 2008. This film tells a story about four best friends and their college years. It was directed and written by Todd Sklar, and starred by Hina Abdullah, Kyle Ayers, and Andy Cohen.

Where it Filmed?

“Box Elder” was shot in two locations in the United States. The first shooting location was Columbia, Missouri, and the second location was in New Orleans, Louisiana. Unfortunately, it’s not clear when exactly the filming took place.MV5BMTI3Mjk3NjY3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk2NjYzMw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Hina Abdullah Laura Glaser
Kyle Ayers Phil Ryerson
Andy Cohen Jason Franks
David Crespy Dudley Ginsberg
Chad Haas Brad Fletcher
Chris Nester Frank Brouillette
James Ponsoldt Robby ‘Couv’ McGovern
Nick Renkoski Nick Becker
Alex Rennie Alex Rennie
Amy Shaw Sarah Sampsons
Jim Shipley Annoying Guy
Jeff Sklar That Guy
Todd Sklar John Scott
Brian Sturgill Matt Vaggey
Ross Taylor Max Hennessey
Alex Trumble Howie Doon
John Turk Zack Bills
Lauren Zima Nicole

Trivia and Facts

  • The story was loosely based on the college life of the movie’s director, Todd Sklar.
  • In a scene from the Halloween party in the movie, Zack Bills’ red devil horns clip-on vanishes and reappears between shots.
  • The movie “Vanilla Sky” released in 2001 is referenced in “Box Elder”.
  • The special thanks given to Mike Mohan in the movie credits is noticeably larger than the others, and it has its own title card.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Columbia, Missouri, USA
    • Latitude: 38.9517053
    • Longitude: -92.3340724
    • Place ID: ChIJyYKBu_Or3IcRIG-9ui1pEaA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Columbia, MO, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
    • Longitude: -90.0715323
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago