Blue Crush (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Blue Crush (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a brief summary of the movie Blue Crush, released in 2002, and centers on its filming sites. The movie features a hard-core surfer girl preparing for a major competition and falling for a football player, with key performances by Kate Bosworth, Matthew Davis, and Michelle Rodriguez. This will provide a basic understanding of the film’s shooting locations and intriguing backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

Blue Crush was filmed in numerous locations across the United States. The movie was shot at the Hawaii Film Studio, situated at 510 18th Ave, Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawaii. They also filmed scenes in different parts of O’ahu, Hawaii. Los Angeles, California, USA, served as another primary filming site. Lastly, some scenes were also filmed at Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club, in Oahu, Hawaii.MV5BZGZhYmE1YWUtMWM0Zi00NTRlLThjMmUtN2YyYzkwMTM2YWNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTUzMTg2ODkz. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Kate Bosworth Anne Marie Chadwick
Matthew Davis Matt Tollman
Michelle Rodriguez Eden
Sanoe Lake Lena
Mika Boorem Penny Chadwick
Chris Taloa Drew
Kala Alexander Kala
Ruben Tejada JJ
Kaupena Miranda Kaupena
Asa Aquino Asa
Faizon Love Leslie
Shaun Robinson Omar
Paul Hatter Paul
Tamayo Perry Tamayo
James Grant Benton Mr. Pukui
Paul Chicoine Hotel Manager
Denise Bee Cashier
Rosie Jaffurs Girl at Gas Station
Alana Mock Girl at Gas Station
Fredrick Patacchia Jr. Ben
Jason Castillo Jimmy
Kimo Kahoano Luau MC
Kim Chipman Pam
Tara Sweatt Devon
Donna Perry Denise
Sonny Miller Contest Announcer
Carol Anne Philips Event Coordinator
Keala Kennelly Self
Kate Skarratt Self
Rochelle Ballard Self
Layne Beachley Self
Megan Abubo Self
Brian L. Keaulana Lifeguard
Kai Garcia Lifeguard
Daryl Stant Lifeguard
Chad Lerma Chiropractor
Todd Messick Surf Photographer
Zandi Eguires Girl on Beach
Sage Erickson Girl on Beach
Jessica Trent Nichols Billabong Rep
Jenn Marr Surf Rep
Braden Dias Surfer
Tom Carroll Surfer
Rico Jimenez Surfer
Bruce Irons Surfer
Larry Rios Surfer
Kalani Robb Surfer
Perry Dane Surfer
Makua Rothman Surfer
Gavin Sutherland Surfer
Coco Ho Young Anne Marie
Anica Brown Back Ground (uncredited)
Reno David Kaleo
(Kaleo’okalani) (uncredited)
Paul Edney Beach Goer (uncredited)
Jordan Kirkwood Beach Biker (uncredited)
Ender Lee Hotel Bellman (uncredited)
Kehaulani Lee (uncredited)
Mia Marcus Luau Guest (uncredited)
Todd Sells Surfer (uncredited)
Mariah Serine Camo Bikini Girl on Beach (uncredited)
Kym Stys Maid (uncredited)
Joji Yoshida Guy on Beach (uncredited)

MV5BMjEwNjA4MzgwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODkzNjE3. V1 QL75 UX820

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is classified as a Drama and Romance genre, which runs for 1 hour and 44 minutes.
  • It was first released in Canada on August 16, 2002.
  • The directors behind this romantic drama are John Stockwell and Susan Orlean. Lizzy Weiss also contributed to the script.
  • Blue Crush has been acknowledged with one win and seven nominations.
  • Public response to the film was moderate with 220 user reviews and 59 critic reviews.
  • The main cast includes Kate Bosworth as Anne Marie Chadwick, Matthew Davis as Matt Tollman, and Michelle Rodriguez as Eden.
  • Some other significant characters were played by Sanoe Lake as Lena, Mika Boorem as Penny Chadwick, and Chris Taloa as Drew.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hawaii Film Studio – 510 18th Ave, Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawaii, USA
    • Latitude: 21.2694864
    • Longitude: -157.7989022
    • Place ID: ChIJvTyQwYRyAHwREd4fLPasVk4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 510 18th Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816, USA
    • Timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
  • Location Name: O’ahu, Hawaii, USA
    • Latitude: 21.4389123
    • Longitude: -158.0000565
    • Place ID: ChIJA2ty2zJmAHwRw8tvkGl9WNk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: O‘ahu, Hawaii, USA
    • Timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
  • Location Name: Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
    • Latitude: 21.333048
    • Longitude: -158.1202725
    • Place ID: ChIJk037goaOU3kR8NOgH_-fWaE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Marriott Vacation Club, Kapolei – Oahu, 92-161 Waipahe Pl, Kapolei, HI 96707, USA
    • Timezone: Pacific/Honolulu