Black Snake (1973) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Black Snake (1973) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Black Snake is a 1973 thriller movie set on a 19th-century Caribbean island. It tells a story about a slave revolt, directed by Russ Meyer with stars such as Anouska Hempel as Lady Susan Walker, David Warbeck as Sir Charles Walker, and Percy Herbert as Joxer Tierney. This article offers more information about the filming locations of the movie along with interesting facts and trivia.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Black Snake” took place primarily in Barbados, with prominent scenes at St. Nicholas Abbey. The filming process started on July 7, 1972.MV5BNjA5MWY3NmItNTQzNi00YjY5LWE4MjYtZWRkYjQ3OGMzNmM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Anouska Hempel Lady Susan Walker
David Warbeck Sir Charles Walker / Ronald Sopwith
Percy Herbert Joxer Tierney
Thomas Baptiste Isaiah
Milton McCollin Joshua
Bernard Boston Capt. Raymond Daladier
Vikki Richards Cleone
Bloke Modisane Bottoms
Robert Lee Informer
Carl Corbin Stalwart
Ebbie Clark Cart Driver
Sydney A. Harris Village Elder
Donna Young 1st Running Girl
Lawanda Moore 2nd Running Girl
Wendell Williams Ton-Ton Soldier
Don Pasbridge 2nd Running Boy
Lauriston Greaves
George Beckles
Frederick Alleyene
Sylvanus Lassley
Cameron Banister
Kelvin Brereton
Bruce Richard 1st Running Boy

Trivia and Facts

  • Russ Meyer, the director, was reportedly dissatisfied with Anouska Hempel’s breast size. He supposedly edited in footage of larger breasts into her nude scenes. However, it is her butt shown in the film.
  • The movie is supposedly set on a fictional island in 1835. However, there was a flaw in the production design. Notably, the local militia are seen armed with British SMLE bolt-action rifles, the earliest models of which did not appear until 1895.
  • Trivia related to Hollywood includes the movie being featured in the television show “United States of America (aka ‘Murica)” in 2016.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: St. Nicholas Abbey, Barbados
    • Latitude: 13.2765319
    • Longitude: -59.58763690000001
    • Place ID: ChIJyXczR77uQ4wReY9KXberCLQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Cherry Tree Hill St. Peter, Saint Peter BB26007Barbados
    • Timezone: America/Barbados