Big Top Evil

Big Top Evil (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Big Top Evil” is a horror film released in 2019. It is a story about five young people who, during a road trip to the infamous ‘mangrove slasher’ site, end up being chased by creepy, cannibal clowns. The movie was directed by Sean Haitz and Chris Potter, who also played major roles in the film alongside Bill Moseley and Austin Judd.

Where it Filmed?

The filming location of “Big Top Evil” was in Sarasota, Florida, USA. The filming was done between October 10, 2017, and July 7, 2018. The film is known for its use of local circus connections in Sarasota and for shooting some scenes in the Big Top after the circus show.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Sean Haitz Jay / cannibal Clown
Bill Moseley Mr. Kharver
J. LaRose Roadside Jack
Jisaura Cardinale Casey
Grace Haitz Kate
Taryn K. Bechard Moe’s Tows Employee #2
Brooke Bolte Scabs
Patti Bretzman Lesser Clown
Sharon Carole Lesser Clown
Barbara Christian-Hart Bus Stop Lady
Miles Christian-Hart Shredder
Chanté Demoustes Veronica
John Duggan Doctor
Cameron S. Farmer Cannibal Clown 1
Morgan Ferreira Donny
Sean Fetterman Bozer
Sendy Folloni Lesser Clown
Keith Fouche Lesser Clown
Shawn Genther Lesser Clown / Drunk
Rick Gomis Dude #1
Vince Gomis Dude #2
Natalie Grist Fire breather / girl in trunk
Rick Haitz Groundskeeper
Cameron Hall Scott
Erin Hood Store Customer
Sarah Huffine Intro Victim
Paul Hyson Chatty Guy
David Ingram Lesser Clown
Aline Jarz Lesser Clown
Blind Jim Pianist / Lesser Clown
Lew Kirk Metalsmith / Deputy
Coco Kramer Circus Clown
Elaine Kramer Contortionist
Facundo Kramer Circus Performer
Mark Manning Boss
William Massie Tow Truck Driver
Kalvin McClure News Reporter
Martin William McPherson Billy Boy
Sic Mic Lesser Clown
Diamond Mike Skid
Anthony Mikesell Pig Farmer
Scott Morison Ringmaster
Chris Potter Trevor / Lesser Clown
Walter Price Townsperson / Clown
Greg Reynolds Knife Face / Lesser Clown
Jennifer Sabin Opera Singer
Mis Sadistic Creature / Lesser Clown
Ashwort Silvart Lesser Clown
Kirsten Sponseller Nurse
Stevie Stafford Lesser Clown
Donnie Stegall Shopkeeper
Rick Svec Mangrove Slasher / Hillbilly Clown
David Vega Bellevue Bob / Lesser Clown
Alex Wallenda Circus Performer
Aurelia Wallenda Circus Performer
Steve Warren Lesser Clown
Paul Welch Sgt. Psycho
Marcello Zorzan Lesser Clown


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie managed to stay within a very limited budget, with at least half of it going to a cameo appearance by Bill Moseley.
  • The filmmakers utilized local circus connections in Sarasota, Florida, shooting in the Big Top after the shows.
  • Friends and family helped out in various ways on set, helping the filmmakers work with their budget.
  • The movie is referenced in “Killer Klowns From Outer Space” (2020).

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Sarasota, Florida, USA
    • Latitude: 27.336465
    • Longitude: -82.5310117
    • Place ID: ChIJK8KyneY3w4gR2RVXHR00NeM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Sarasota, FL, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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