Beyond Dream’s Door (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Beyond Dream’s Door (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Beyond Dream’s Door” is a movie produced in the year 1989 under the genre of Drama and Fantasy. This page shares details about where the film was shot, who the actors were, and provides some intriguing behind-the-scenes facts about the movie and its production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in different locations within the United States. Filming took place in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Other filming locations were Arlington, Ohio, USA, and Clintonville, Ohio, USA. The filming was carried out starting April 1, 1988.
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Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Nick Baldasare Ben Dobbs
Rick Kesler Eric Baxter
Susan Pinsky Julie Oxel
Norm Singer Professor Noxx
Daniel White D.F. White
John Dunleavy Janitor
Darby Vasbinder Dream Seductress
Lucas Simpson Ricky
Daniel Carnevale Ben Dobbs (future)
Michelle Lorch Dead Dreamer
Patricia Resatka Dead Dreamer
Evan Stansbury Dead Dreamer
Eric Swelstad Dead Dreamer
Scott Simonson Dead Dreamer
T. James Hower Dead Dreamer
Jack Nieberlain Dead Dreamer
R. Scott Mowrer Dead Dreamer
Jorge Aguirre Dead Dreamer
Bernie Noga Dead Dreamer
Kevin E. Kelly Dead Dreamer
Richard Davis Dead Dreamer
Jeffrey W. Lynch Dead Dreamer
Ron Kovacs Dead Dreamer
Larry Bennett Dead Dreamer
Patrick L. Enlow Dead Dreamer
Louis Yuhasz Dead Dreamer
Bryan Wright Dead Dreamer
Jenny Steiner Dead Dreamer
Richie Hanson Dead Dreamer
John Friend Dead Dreamer
Lisa Stall Student
Kristen M. McNulty Student
Lisa Box Student
Barbara Horton Student
Susan Resatka Student
Dianna Ashton Student
Scott Bauer Student
Charles Howard Student
James D. Wickman Dead Dreamer
Joe Hunt Student
Andrew Conaway Student
Julie Dasvarma Student
Josh Inglis Student
Judy Gorjanc Student
Craig Phipps Student
Kristen Ebelberger Student
Beverly Kearns Student
Dyrk Ashton Man in sleep lab (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released in the year 1989.
  • It falls under the Drama and Fantasy genre and is Not Rated.
  • The movie was directed and written by Jay Woelfel.
  • Star actors in the movie included Nick Baldasare, Rick Kesler, and Susan Pinsky.
  • Nick Baldasare played the role of Ben Dobbs in the film.
  • Jay Woelfel, in addition to being the director, was also the writer of the film.
  • The movie had a total running time of 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  • The production companies for the film included Panorama Entertainment.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Columbus, Ohio, USA
    • Latitude: 39.9611755
    • Longitude: -82.99879419999999
    • Place ID: ChIJcd6QucGJOIgRM7Wxz_hmMuQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Columbus, OH, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Arlington, Ohio, USA
    • Latitude: 40.8936647
    • Longitude: -83.65020919999999
    • Place ID: ChIJgfJRKeGyPogR6cC-4LJodvA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Arlington, OH 45814, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York