Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Beneath the 12-Mile Reef” released in 1953, is an enthralling tale of a Greek-American family’s dangerous venture into sponge fishing off the west coast of Florida. The main characters of the movie include Tony Petrakis, played by Robert Wagner, Gwyneth Rhys, played by Terry Moore, and Mike Petrakis, played by Gilbert Roland. Through this refreshing narrative, one gets an insider view of where the movie was filmed and various interesting facts about the filming process.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Beneath the 12-Mile Reef” took place in various beautiful locations. It includes Tarpon Springs and Key West in Florida, USA along with Nassau in the Bahamas. These places provided a vibrant and picturesque backdrop for the film, adding depth and realism to the narrative. The filming dates remain confidential.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robert Wagner Tony Petrakis
Terry Moore Gwyneth Rhys
Gilbert Roland Mike Petrakis
J. Carrol Naish Socrates ‘Soc’ Houlis
Richard Boone Thomas Rhys
Angela Clarke Mama Petrakis
Peter Graves Arnold Dix
Jay Novello Sinan
Jacques Aubuchon Demetrios Sofotes
Gloria Gordon Penny Petrakis
Harry Carey Jr. Griff Rhys
Jack Burke Conch (uncredited)
Guy Carleton Jamison (uncredited)
John Conatos Jemmy (uncredited)
Jack English Doctor (uncredited)
John George Gladakis Auctioneer (uncredited)
Eugene Halpin Long Arm (uncredited)
James Harakas Card (uncredited)
Rock Hudson Narrator (uncredited)
Jonathan Jackson Lt. Bryant (uncredited)
William Johnstone Crewman of ‘Snapper’ (uncredited)
Frank Joyner Captain of ‘Snapper’ (uncredited)
Marc Krah Fat George (uncredited)
John Lehman Conch (uncredited)
James McLaughlin Ambulance Attendant (uncredited)
Demetrios I. Mitsoras Deckhand on the ‘Helios’ (uncredited)
Jack Pappas Deckhand on the ‘Helios’ (uncredited)
Michael Pappas Sailor on the ‘Helios’ (uncredited)
George Psourakis Young Priest (uncredited)
Ski Skewes Conch (uncredited)
Charles Wagenheim Paul (uncredited)
Rush Williams David Rhys (uncredited)
Milton B. Wright Buyer at Sponge Market (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • “Beneath the 12-Mile Reef” was primarily filmed in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Interestingly, Tarpon Springs is also the hub of the natural sponge industry in the US and has the highest percentage of Greek-Americans of any city in the country, as of 2019.
  • In reality, sponges are harvested on the protected West Coast of Florida, where the movie was shot, mainly in Tarpon Springs.
  • The movie was later edited into another version releasing in 2023.
  • The character Tony Petrakis, played by Robert Wagner, reveals in the movie that his birth name is Adonis, named after a Greek god. He refers to himself as being beautiful.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Key West, Florida Keys, Florida, USA
    • Latitude: 24.5550593
    • Longitude: -81.7799871
    • Place ID: ChIJdyOVrTSx0YgRXjtGdy_pzj8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Key West, FL 33040, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Nassau, Bahamas
    • Latitude: 25.0443312
    • Longitude: -77.3503609
    • Place ID: ChIJyduBuZl8L4kR0lBeSNMB7yo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Nassau, The Bahamas
    • Timezone: America/Nassau